Tuesday, November 04, 2008

November 4, 2008

General Announcements

Attention Sophomores! We will hold our next Student Council meeting today, at 2:30 p.m. in room C20. We hope to see you there!

For students participating in Math Day at CSU, there will be a mandatory meeting today at 2:30 in S-8. If you cannot attend, please see Mr. Thurmond in the math office.

Student Council invites you to the Remember Campaign meeting Wednesday after school in room C17. We need you there!

Hey DECA Members! Don’t forget there’s an All-Club meeting right after school on Wednesday in room S1. We’ll be signing up for the Practice Night – so make sure you’re there!

Last chance freshmen, A-team and LINK Leaders — Get your permission slips in today for JUMPSTREET. Don’t miss out on this fun activity. Questions? See any LINK sponsor or leader.

FBLA this is the last week that you may sign-up for membership. You must have all of your paperwork and money in to participate in upcoming competition. Stop by the business office for forms and information. Deadline is November 7th!

Please check the Lost and Found table in the Cafeteria for any items you are missing, and the Attendance office for any small valuables.
