Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 27, 2013

General Announcements

Good Morning Warriors!!  Cafe specials today are:  Panda Express and Chick Fil A sandwiches.  Lunch today: Pizza Pockets and grilled cheese sandwiches, variety cold sandwiches and salads.  Beat the heat with frozen yogurt, a cold beverage, and fresh fruits.  See you at lunch

All speech and debate team members who are selling water at back-to-school night should plan to have a short meeting with Mr. Murphy today in the library right after school.

Class ring orders will be accepted this Wednesday and Thursday in the cafeteria during lunches  - order packets are available in the counseling office.

Attention all freshmen:  If you are interested in being involved in any student council activities please come to a meeting in Room C1 on Thursday, August 29 at 6:45 a.m.  We will be discussing homecoming and the next charity event.  If you are planning on running for an office, you need to be present at this meeting.  Please see Bretz or Korn if you cannot make this meeting.

1. Peter Piper picked peppers, but I write rhymes
2. Humpty Dumpty fell down, but he was fine
1. Jack B. Nimble, so nimble, and he was quick
2. And the students broke down and wrote some lit.

1. Think you can do better?
2.  Attend this week's Muse literary magazine meeting--Wednesday, August 26th in E-10. 

The yearbook deadline for senior photos and bios is Thursday, Sept. 12. We will not use your student ID photo, so be sure to take a formal portrait.  If you need a quick and inexpensive yearbook photo, we will have a professional photographer on campus on Sept. 3rd and 4th. See Mr. Anderson in the journalism room E-8 for details. Sign up now!


Congratulations to both the JV and Varsity boys golf teams for finishing first at the league meet last week at South Suburban. Varsity nudged Cherry Creek out of first place by three shots and the JV by one. Good luck on Wednesday at Murphy Creek.

Arapahoe will travel to LPS Stadium on Friday night to take on Heritage in a cross-town rivalry game. We will be the visiting team therefore EVERY STUDENT must purchase a ticket to attend the game. Tickets will go on sale in the cafeteria during lunch on Thursday and Friday.  Student tickets will be $3 and adult tickets $5.  Let's dominate the stadium with Warrior Pride - Go Warriors!

For further details on any announcements see the Arapahoe web site. 
Warriors always take care of one another.