Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013

General Announcements

Good morning Warriors.  For your safety and for the overall security of Arapahoe High School, you are expected to leave school grounds as soon as possible at the end of the school day.  Unless you are here for a supervised Arapahoe event or activity, please arrange to leave campus by 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 2:30 p.m. on Friday.  Arrange for rides to come to the East end/”bubble”.  Thank you for helping to keep Arapahoe safe and secure.

HO!  HO!  HO!  AHS Toys for Tots has a goal of 1,000 toys for Valverde Elementary and the Denver Indian Center.  We now have about 40 toys in the building.  We need 960 more toys to meet our goal.  We only have 
9  more school days to bring them in.  Watch for sales and start bringing your toys in tomorrow.  You make it happen!

The AHS Speech and Debate Team competed successfully at this past Saturday's Smoky Hill High School's Stampede Tournament. Fourteen members competed in a variety of events. Members that did especially well include:
·   Ethan Snow - second place, International Extemporaneous Speaking
·   Joe Redmond - fourth place, Poetry Interpretation
·   Ell Eshleman - semi-finalist, Dramatic Interpretation
·   Sanat Mehta - semi-finalist, Student Congress
Congratulations to these students and to all members of the team for competing and representing Arapahoe High School so well!

Key Clubbers, t-shirts are in! Please come pick yours up today at our meeting.

Attention Juniors and Seniors . . . the deadline to sign up for the National Business Honor Society is this Friday.  Please stop by the Business Department to pick up an application.

Cafe specials:  pizza and Fazoli’s pasta plates.  Lunch today:  pizza pockets, grilled cheese, salads, and cold sandwiches.


For further details on any announcements see the Arapahoe web site. 
Warriors always take care of one another.