Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 11, 2014

General Announcements

(The following was read by Mr. McWilliams) Today, November 11, is Veteran’s Day, which started out as Armistice Day, ending the fighting of WWI.  It was changed to Veteran’s Day after WWII to honor Veterans of all wars.  The Iwo Jima mural in the hallway between the east entrance and the cafeteria was copied from an iconic photograph of WWII.  Joe Rosenthal’s Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph taken on the Pacific island of Iwo Jima is one of the best-known war images ever made.  The Allies invaded the island, more than six hundred miles off the coast of Japan, on February 19, 1945, hoping to establish a staging area for bombers.  Rosenthal, a photographer for the Associated Press, landed under gunfire three hours after the invasion began.  The Marines fought their way to the top of Mount Suribachi on February 23 and raised a small flag.  Later that same day, five Marines and a naval medical corpsman raised this second, larger flag at the summit and were recorded by Rosenthal.  Contrary to popular belief, the moment was not staged.  In thirty-one days of brutal fighting, 6,821 Americans died, including three of the flag-raisers.  To honor our Veterans, the Social Studies Department will have veterans speaking in the Forum on Friday.  Please come down and listen.

Hey Arapahoe Speech and Debate!  Congrats to everyone who competed at Golden High School this past weekend.  Overall, ​four competitors ​earned excellent ribbons and four ​earned superior!  A special shout out to Emily Webb, who​ placed third, and Ethan Snow​, who placed first​, in International Extemp! Great job everyone for your hard work and​ keep up the great work! Please remember that we are ordering t-​shirts soon so please turn in your fees,​ if you have not done so already​.

Don't miss the 4th annual LPS Poetry Slam, featuring emcee Jovan Mays and the district's most talented spoken-word poets at 7:00 p.m. tonight at the Ames building. If you want to participate in the slam, show up at 5:30 for a free meal and workshop hosted by Jovan and some other Denver-area poets. Ask Mr. Spare for more details.

There is an important FBLA meeting tomorrow after school in Room E-9.  Please come to the meeting to see changes in events and attend a valuable study session that will help prepare your for your competition.  

Attention all Warriors!  Arapahoe is starting the Deliberate Acts of Love and Kindness Campaign, and we want everyone to get involved!  Keep an eye and an ear out for messages about events and ways for you to show your support for what we stand for as Warriors!  Start by spreading the hashtag “Heart of a Warrior” on every social media site, as well as sharing pictures and messages that show our Warrior love.  Make sure to listen to the announcements during the rest of the week for more information.  Our first event for this campaign is the all-school movie night this Friday, the 14th, at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.  Bring pillows, blankets, snacks, and all your friends!  This activity is for Arapahoe students only.  See the posters in the hallway for instructions on how to vote for which movie to watch, and don’t bother bringing any money … it’s free!  See you there!

HO!  HO!  HO!  We have a goal of collecting 1,000 toys for Eagleton Elementary and the Denver Indian Center. Please bring toys or cash donations to the Attendance Office before Dec. 5th.  Help make a happy holiday for the children.


Congratulations to the Varsity and JV Cheerleading teams for their great performances at League last night.  Varsity placed 2nd!  Way to go Warriors!

Pink Cards for Winter Sports will be distributed in the Cafeteria today during BOTH lunches.  You must register online and have a current physical on file prior to receiving your pink card.
There will be an Early Signing Day Ceremony tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. in the school cafeteria.  Please join athletes from the Class of 2015 who have made a commitment to continue their athlete competition next year at the college level.
Attention baseball players/parents:  The next AHS baseball booster meeting is tonight at 7:00 p.m., in the Forum.  Coach Muller will be discussing the upcoming winter workouts and strength and conditioning programs.  We'll also be discussing fundraising in more detail as our fundraising push starts now.  Finally, registration is open for the 2014-2015 baseball season.  Please go to the web site and register. www.arapahoebaseball.com.
All girls interested in trying out for the girls basketball team this winter should be attending camp today and tomorrow. Camp is the best place to practice your skills before tryouts on Wednesday.  If you have questions, see Ms. Hancock in the Language Arts Department or check the lady hoops website. See you on the court!
The Heritage hockey team will have tryouts tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday for the winter team at the Ice Ranch located at 841 Southpark Drive, Littleton, CO 80120. This team is open to students at any of the Littleton School District High Schools. For more information go to the Heritage Hockey website at www.heritagelpshockey.org.
Make dinner a selfless act by joining us for a fundraiser to support the Arapahoe Girls Swim and Dive Team.  Come to Chipotle (across from school) on Tuesday November 18, from 5:00-8:00 p.m.  Be sure to tell the cashier you're supporting the Arapahoe Girls Swim and Dive Team to make sure that 50% of the proceeds get donated back to the team.
For further details on any announcements see the Arapahoe web site. 
Warriors always take care of one another.