Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

 General Announcements

*AHS Thespians had an awesome State competition or ThesCon last weekend. 14 of our students qualified for our national conference in June. In addition, Matteo and Grace were selected for a MainStage Callback (a top performance in the state) for their duet acting scene. If you see Gaby, Claire, Noah, Ana, Kaleigh, Makayla, Bailey, Katie, Moya, Sophia, Grace, Matteo and Lucia or Lucy.  Please congratulate them on their achievement. 

*The Art Department is hosting the Fall Art Show Reception TONIGHT, from 6:00pm-7:00pm in the east wing of the building - enter through the bubble.  There are over 500 works of art on display representing one work of art from each and everyone of the students who are currently enrolled in one of AHS’s many art classes.

*Warriors, if you would like to take a class at the EPIC Campus next fall, please remember to take the interest survey today.  You can find this survey by logging into your Infinite Campus account.  

*Don’t forget, we will continue accepting toy donations through today for the 21st AHS Annual Toy Drive.  Cash donations will be accepted until December 15th.  This year’s donations will be benefiting the Denver Indian Center and Goldrick Elementary.  

*Check out the AHS Website for the Final Exam Week Bell Schedule, December 19th-22nd. Stop by the Attendance Office for Early Exam Forms and procedures.  

*Warriors - have you been extra cold when you go outside lately?  Maybe your coat is in our Lost and Found.  Our Lost & Found drawers are FULL.  Please come to the main office to see if we have one of your jackets, hoodies, bags or water bottles.

*Just in time for the holidays until December 15th, get some unique socks for yourself, your friends and your family. Support Arapahoe Instrumental Music Programs and have some fun with your feet. $5 from each pair of socks will be donated to Arapahoe Band Boosters.  For more information, check this link -

*Warriors, there is a free Alive@25 class Monday, December 12th from 3:45pm - 8:15pm in room W1874. If you are voluntarily taking the class, the Sheriff's Office pays the $79 fee.  If you are 15 1/2 you can get a driver's permit after taking the class.  Some insurance companies give a discount on rates for taking the class.  This is a 4 1/2 hour class.  Sign up online at  and use the password  arapahoe.  Any questions, ask Deputy Englert.

*Earn high school graduation credit this Winter or Spring by taking Drivers Education through Littleton Public Schools.  Classes are filling up fast.  Go to the LPS Drivers Education website to register and look for an amazing scholarship opportunity through Honda.  For class times and dates, click on this link -



Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!