borrowed from the Post Grad Center are eager to return home. Please help books
you borrowed get back safely. Thank you.
Prom is here. A magnificent night/morning awaits with dodgeball, silent disco, Las Vegas
style gaming, movies, and plenty of food. Prizes at the end of the
night include iPads, Kindles,
gift cards to area merchants, scuba packages, entertainment packages, and
more. Get your tickets now during both lunches. Tickets will
be $3.00 higher at the door. You have to see it to Believe it.
Please make sure that
your after prom clothing is appropriate. You will not be allowed into after
prom with inappropriate phrases or pictures on your clothing.
Warriors, this year's Prom is just around the corner. Stop by the table in the
cafeteria and buy your Prom tickets all week. Tickets will be $35 if purchased
by Friday at lunch and $40 at the Prom. You are strongly encouraged to purchase
your tickets before the event. Don't miss out.
What does Buddha, stand up comedy, and psychotherapy all
have in common? Come find out Wednesday night at the Company show!
Admission is free. The Theatre Topics class will present an improv
comedy show at 6pm, and the Company show will begin at 7:00. We hope to
see you there.
Attention current AP students! If you missed the
pre-registration meeting, you MUST come by the guidance center this week to
complete the pre-registration paper work. If the pre-registration paper
work is not completed by the end of this week, you will NOT be able to take an
AP test. It is very important that you see Mrs. Talen in the Guidance Center
as soon as possible!
AP Students, payment for any AP tests must be received by the
end of this week in order for you to take an AP test. If payment for AP
tests have not been received by Friday, May 3rd you will not be permitted to
take the test. Please see the bookkeeper for further details on payment.
you should receive a buff-colored questionnaire from your Social Studies
government or economics classes. The Arapahoe Herald needs your questionnaires
with your memories and drawings turned in to the wire basket in the Social
Studies office or the Journalism Room E8 by Friday, May 3. It is really
important that you turn them in! Thank you!
Tennis regionals
are starting today for the Girls Tennis Team. The team is playing at Redstone
Park in Highlands Ranch. The girls will be qualifying all day. Come out and
watch a match and support the team.
interested in lifeguarding this summer and need a class? A lifeguard
class will be offered at Arapahoe before the end of the school year. Stop by
and see Mrs. Leyden in the Women's PE office for details.
further details on any announcements see the Arapahoe web site.
Warriors always take care of one another.
Warriors always take care of one another.