Hey Freshman . . . Join your
LINK leaders today during both lunches outside in the South Lawn for Link
Crew's Brown Bag Lunch Day! Bring your lunch and your friends for a
picnic with your awesome Link Leaders.
Hey Warriors! This year student
council would like to invite the whole student body to participate in the
Homecoming parade. If you are interested in making a float, make sure you have
a staff sponsor and fill out the Homecoming parade form on the student council
webpage by Friday,
September 5th.
Hey Warriors! Don’t forget the DECA store is still
open during your off hours, before school, and after school. And yes, we still
sell cookies! And our prices are cheaper than all the vending machines! So grab
your after school snacks from the DECA store and satisfy your hunger.
Come out and support your Freshman/Sophomore
boys soccer team as they take on Legacy at home today at 4:30. They had a great start to the season with a 1-0
win over Heritage on Monday and
hope to keep on rolling today
Varsity football plays tomorrow at Sports
Authority Stadium in Parker at 7:00 p.m. against Legend High School. This is the first game of the season so
please come out to support your team!
Over the trails and through the canal, twice!! Come watch your Arapahoe Warriors cross country
team. They will be competing against 57 other teams in the first meet of
the season at DeKovend Park tomorrow. The first of six races begins at 4:00 p.m., with over 4,000 runners competing. Run strong! Go cross country Warriors!
There will be a girls golf
organizational meeting on Tuesday, September 2 right
after school in Room S-11.
further details on any announcements see the Arapahoe web site.
Warriors always take care of one another.
Warriors always take care of one another.