Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

 General Announcements  

*College Colors Day - This Friday, August 30th, is College Colors Day at AHS! Whether it's a team you follow or where you dream of going, wear your favorite college gear & help celebrate higher ed! 

*It is that time of the year again, our annual homecoming flag football tournament.  Please get a team together, between 6 and 10 players and come sign up in the attendance/ activities office. You have until September 5th to sign up and space is limited. You are guaranteed to play 3 games on Saturday September 7th with the possibility to play on Wednesday, September 11th.

*ID reprints are here. If you lost your ID or need the athletic pass printed on your ID please see Mr. Ngo in the main office.


*AHS Cheerleading tryouts are this week! Come to the wrestling gym on August 29th from 6:15-7:15 and August 30th from 4:30-5:30 to try out. Reach out to Coach Berry with any questions. mberry@lps.k12.co.us.

*The AHS Toms JV Dance Team are holding tryouts on Wednesday, 8/28 in the Toms/Cardio Room! If you have school spirit, love to perform, and want to be part of a great team, head over to ahswarriors.org and click “Toms” for more information. Last chance to join for this school year!

*AHS Boys Soccer - Come out and support your Boys ABK Warriors as they kick off the season today against Lutheran High School. The Varsity game starts at 5:00 at LPS Centennial Stadium. We hope to see you there

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!