Thank you
to all who participated in the AHS Toys for Tots toy drive. The wrapping party is today after school in the cafeteria. Please come
help wrap. We received 1,325 toys for the kids at Eagleton Elementary
and the Denver Indian Center, as well as monetary donations which were used to
buy toys, hats and gloves, We wish you all the happiness you are bringing to others. You are an
incredible Arapahoe family. See you at
the Wrapping Party after school!
to the Thespians that attended the State Conference this past weekend, and a
special shout out to Andrea Wood for being selected as one of the Best in a
Show performers! Way to represent Arapahoe Troupe 4492!
Part of our 'Deliberate
Acts of Love and Kindness' campaign involves acknowledging our gratitude
towards others. Have you thanked a teacher or staff member today?!?
Please grab a post card from any teacher's classroom, the Guidance Office, the
Library or at the Attendance window and take a moment to express your sincere
gratitude for a teacher or staff member. Once you've filled out your
card, just drop it by the Guidance office or the Library and we will take care
of the delivery for you!
Did you order a yearbook? The last day to
order is THIS Wednesday. Check the list by
the bookkeeper's office to see if you ordered one, or check your infinite
campus account. To place an order, bring a check for $67 to the main
office or go online and pay with a credit card. Don't miss out. Order
one today!
Warriors! Help support speech and debate
by buying a
candy cane during 1st or 2nd lunch in the cafeteria this week. You can either keep it for yourself or give it to a
friend. For every candy cane purchased, you
can leave a message to a friend, teacher, or the school in general. Only one
dollar for a candy cane and a message! Happy
Attention all Students! Be sure to wear
your black and gold this Wednesday for
the Arapahoe Thank You Project. After school, all available students will
meet in the cafeteria and head to the practice field in order to form the word
ARAPHOE THANKS YOU and get your picture taken. This picture, along with a
message of thanks, will be sent to local community members, thanking them for
their support last year. Please come be part of this great event!
During finals week, all areas of the library, with the exception
of the study rooms, are SILENT study only. Please plan ahead should you need to complete
group work. Study rooms are available for this purpose on a first come, first
served basis. A study room may be
reserved ahead of time by using the link on the AHS Library web page.
Artists and writers of
Arapahoe-- Thank you for submitting your fine work to the Muse before our first
submission deadline. Please be aware, that you can still submit your
creative work to the Muse!
Our Fall deadline is December 15th. Keep it coming!
Congratulations to the Arapahoe Toms!! They
performed two perfect routines in prelims and finals at the State Spirit
Championships on Friday and
were awarded third place. Thank you to all of the students and staff who
attended the championships for your tremendous support. You make a
difference! Thank you, Toms, for hard work and dedication and
for representing Arapahoe in such an amazing way!!
Congratulations Varsity Warrior
Cheerleaders for your strong performance at Fridays State Competition.
The team advanced to finals. This is an accomplishment to be very proud
of. AWESOME Job Cheers!!
Attention Arapahoe Baseball Players:
If you plan to participate in the Winter
Workouts, we need you to register by December 18th. Please go to the web site ( and register as soon as you can.
You do not need to pay at time of registration. Payment needs to be
provided by December
30th. Thank you!
For further
details on any announcements see the Arapahoe web site.
Warriors always take care of one another.
Warriors always take care of one another.