Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18, 2015

General Announcements

As you prepare for Arena Scheduling, please note that the first and second semester master schedules are posted on the main page of the AHS website. As we begin Arena tomorrow and classes begin to close, those closed classes will be updated on the posted master schedule (strikethrough in red). As you prepare for your scheduling time, you should check the updated master schedules for which classes are closed and plan accordingly. We would recommend that you check the night before you schedule and then again 30 minutes or so before you begin scheduling. The more you can plan before you enter the Arena floor, the quicker and happier you'll be.

Since we're coming to the end of the school year, we will need to collect the Connected Learners Chromebooks that we've loaned to students. If you have checked out one of our Chromebooks, you will need to bring it (and your charger) to your Language Arts final exam to turn in. If you have any questions, please see your Language Arts teacher or Mr. Fisch.
Former Students of Powell Middle School, please refrain from "visiting" Powell Middle School during their school hours (7:45 am-2:43 pm).  You are only allowed to be on their campus if you have communicated with the teacher you are planning to "visit" ahead of time, and scheduled a visit with them after school hours. If you are discovered on campus or in the school without prior permission, you will be asked to leave.  If you continue to come on campus after being asked to leave, you may be ticketed.


For further details on any announcements see the Arapahoe web site.
Warriors always take care of one another.