Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Tuesday May 09 2017

Arapahoe High School Daily Bulletin
Tuesday May 09, 2017

Please stand and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance

General Announcements

Looking for a night of theater?  Well, this Friday night will be jam-packed with the Theatre Topics class performing an Improv competition, and the Company class performing their showcase of monologues, scenes, and theatrical designs. Come for the improve, stay for the showcase, it all starts at 6:00 this Friday in the auditorium.

If you have a chrome book checked out,  please check your school email and/or the AHS website for instructions on when, where and how you will turn them in at the end of the semester.

Do you have any finals that require a presentation? How about a final that is a speech? If you've got some public-speaking-related finals, let the Speech and Debate Team help! Today, in room C 1452, members of the Speech and Debate team will be available to help their peers practice public speaking and presentation skills. Come on out, any time between 2:30 and 3:30. The team will be available next week as well!"

Collages from After Prom are available to be picked up by the kiosk near the Bubble.  

Attention artists who had their artwork displayed in  this years Art Attack.  The show has been taken down. Please be sure to talk to your art teacher in class or stop by the Art Office to pick up your art work no late than THIS Friday the 12th

All students registering for A.P. Literature and Composition next year need to pick up their summer reading packets from Ms. Le Clair's desk in the Language Arts office. The assignment is also available on her website.

Students, do you have a flair for public speaking? The activities office is looking for daily announcements readers for the next year, now.  Please come to the Activities/Attendance office and sign up for a trial reading with Mrs. Bailey.


Your ABK Ladies open the first round of the playoffs tonight at 7:00 pm at LPS Stadium versus Denver East.  Please come out and help cheer your Warriors on to victory!

All girls interested in trying out for softball in the fall need to attend the preseason informational meeting,  tomorrow, Wednesday, May 10th at 6:30 pm in the Forum. Players and at least one parent should plan to attend the meeting. See Coach Kruger if you have any questions.

Attention girls hoping to try out for volleyball next fall. We will have open gyms on Tuesday nights from 6.30-9 pm, now until finals week! Please show up early to help set up nets. No forms or fees, just show up ready to play! GO WARRIORS! 

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details