Monday, February 27, 2023

Monday, February 27, 2023

 General Announcements

*Happy Monday, here is your mindful moment for the week: When you are stressed, sit down, take a deep breath and close your eyes. Focus on your breath as it moves in and out of your body. Sitting and breathing for even just a minute can help.

*Congratulations to the Arapahoe Winter Guard for a great performance at Columbine High School over the weekend.  The team scored a 61.73, up almost 9 points from their score two weeks ago at Legacy.  Such a huge improvement in just two weeks!  Keep up the good work and gook luck with your push to the Mountain Range show on March 11th!

*Hey Warriors! An AHS Capstone project created a Baby Supplies Drive with the goal of collecting items for new mothers in need! You can bring in new baby clothes, used but clean clothes, and/or any toys or new diapers to help out the cause starting March 1st. Donation boxes are located at the library and at the bubble. Thank you for helping make a difference in our community!

*There will be a FREE Alive @ 25 class Wednesday, March 1st at 3:45pm - 8:15pm in room W-1874.  This is a 4 1/2 hour class.  The Sheriff’s Office will pay the $79 fee if you are voluntarily taking the class.  If you are 15 ½,  you can get a driver's permit after taking the class.  You can sign up on-line at  and use the password "arapahoe".  A lot of insurance companies give you discounted rates if you have taken the class.  Any questions ask Deputy Englert


*Congratulations to our Girls Varsity Basketball team for their win over Thunder Ridge on Friday.  Next game will be against Valor on Saturday, March 4th at 4:00pm.  More details to follow.

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!