Thursday, March 21, 2024

Thursday, March 21, 2024

General Announcements

*Warriors - here is an announcement from Amelia Rysavy.  

  • Hi, my name is Amelia. I am a senior and I would like to tell you about World Down Syndrome Day.  Today we are wearing crazy socks to recognize the kids at Arapahoe and all around the world who have down syndrome. Wearing crazy socks reminds us we are special in our own way and we are together in life.  The reason we celebrate today on March 21st is because we have 3 groups of 21 chromosomes and this is called Trisomy 21.  I love being a student at Arapahoe just like you. Be proud of your crazy socks today and who you are.  Thank you and have a great day!

*Warriors - great country & country club outfits.  Don’t forget our Community Carnival TONIGHT from 5:00pm-8:30pm.  Entry is FREE and you can purchase 50 tickets for $20.00.  Also, go to Twisted Sugar in Highlands Ranch from 9:00am-9:00pm for some yummy sweet treats. Just mention you’re supporting AHS Warrior Week.

  • TOMORROW - wear Black and Gold Day and anything but a Backpack - don't forget the rules - nothing larger than 12 X 27 inches (rolling suitcases size), you must be able to carry it by yourself, nothing motorized or that requires electricity, no live animals or family members, no glass

  • Our Dodgeball Tournament will be on Wednesday, April 3rd @ 6:00pm. 

  • Our Warrior Week Assembly will be held on Friday, April 5th. 

*Warriors - we need you for the Senior Class Coat Drive!  Please bring in gently used, clean coats to donate to the Wind River Reservation.  Any and all sizes will be accepted.  Coat bins are in the bubble, cafeteria and forum entrance for you to drop off coats in the next 3 weeks.  

*AHS Sophomores and Juniors - Link Crew wants you to lead through activities, leadership class, and relationships. If you are interested in being a LINK Crew Leader for the 2024-2025 school year, complete an online application through our Google site found under Activities on the Arapahoe web page.  Your completed application is due by Friday, April 19th, 2024.  We look forward to working alongside you in servant leadership.  If you have any questions, check with  the Link Crew Sponsors - Mrs. Appleton, Mrs. Bradley, Mr. Brandberg, Mrs. Kitch or Mrs. Moritz.  

*Attention National Honor Society Members:  please check Google Classroom for information on service opportunities the week of April 1st.  You could earn all of your service credit in one week!

*The Arapahoe Band Boosters announce the return of the Original Egg My Yard fundraiser for the 6th year! Treat your family to a fun Easter experience suitable for all ages and abilities. On the evening of March 30th, the AHS musical bunnies will hide treat-filled eggs and leave a note on how many eggs to find. They'll even return the following weekend to pick up the emptied eggs from the front porch. For more info or to place an order for your kids, your friends' kids, or even the whole neighborhood visit here.


*Congrats to the Varsity Baseball team on a big win against Heritage yesterday!  TODAY our Varsity team takes on Broomfield at Coors Field @ 1:00pm.  TOMORROW they take on Rock Canyon @ Rock Canyon HS at 4:15pm.  TODAY the Freshman team plays Heritage @ Heritage HS and the Sophomore team plays @ HOME.  Both games are at 4:15pm.

*Good Luck to the Girls tennis teams TODAY.  Varsity play Mullen @ 3:45pm at Holly Tennis Courts.  JV Black plays @ 3:45pm at Harlow Park.

*Come cheer on the LPS Boys Volleyball team as they take on Mullen @ Mullen HS.  Varsity plays @ 6:30pm, after JV @ 5:30pm following C Level @4:15pm.

*Come out and support your Boys Lacrosse teams as they take on Colorado Academy.  Varsity plays @ 8:00pm at Centennial Stadium and JV plays @ Powell MS at 4:30pm.

*Good Luck to our Boys Swim & Dive team as they take on Heritage at 5:00pm at the AHS Pool.  

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

 General Announcements

*Warriors - we love seeing who your favorite team is!  Come out and support the Seniors (whoop, whoop) OR the Staff (let’s go) TONIGHT at the Swish for a Wish Basketball game @ 7:00pm.  Tickets are $5.  TODAY, eat out at Modern Market at Streets of Southglenn - 11:00am-9:00pm and/or the Varsity Inn - 2:00pm-7:00pm.  Just mention you’re supporting AHS Warrior Week.

*Some of our Warrior Week activities have been rescheduled, so please check our new schedule of events & activities.

  • Our Warrior Week Assembly will be held on Friday, April 5th. Make sure to wear your Blue Warrior Week shirts or anything blue - Alyson’s favorite color.

  • Our Dodgeball Tournament will be on Wednesday, April 3rd @ 6:00pm. We’ve made some changes to our Tournament: students can have 6-10 kids on a team, mixed gender rosters. You can also be a free-agent and teams will be made out of those lists.  The final four teams will play under blacklight for Blacklight Dodgeball. 

  • Thursday - Country vs Country Club dress-up, come to our Community Carnival from 5:00pm-8:30pm (50 tickets for $20.00), go to Twisted Sugar in Highlands Ranch from 9:00am-9:00pm for some yummy sweet treats.

  • Friday - Black and Gold Day dress-up and anything but a Backpack - don't forget the rules - nothing larger than 12 X 27 inches (rolling suitcases size), you must be able to carry it by yourself, nothing motorized or that requires electricity, no live animals or family members, no glass

*AHS Sophomores and Juniors - Link Crew wants you to lead through activities, leadership class, and relationships. If you are interested in being a LINK Crew Leader for the 2024-2025 school year, complete an online application through our Google site found under Activities on the Arapahoe web page.  Your completed application is due by Friday, April 19th, 2024.  We look forward to working alongside you in servant leadership.  If you have any questions, check with  the Link Crew Sponsors - Mrs. Appleton, Mrs. Bradley, Mr. Brandberg, Mrs. Kitch or Mrs. Moritz.  

*Warriors, on Thursday, March 21st we challenge you to join us and recognize World Down Syndrome Day. On this day, we know you will be wearing Country Club or Country style attire but we ask that you ALSO wear your favorite pair of socks. Crazy, comfy, cool, athletic or plain socks.  Help us show support for our friends who have Down Syndrome.  


*Good luck to our AHS Girls Tennis teams as they take on Denver East today!

*Come out and cheer on our Boys Varsity Baseball team as they take on our cross town rivals Heritage at HOME.  JV will play @ Heritage.  Both games are at 4:15pm.

*Come out and support your ABK Girls Soccer teams as they take on Broomfield.  Varsity plays at 6:30pm after JV plays at 4:30 at Broomfield HS.  C Level plays at 4:30pm at our AHS JV soccer field.

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

 General Announcements

*Warriors - you are rockin’ your PJs today!  There will be Harry Potter trivia during both lunches.  Also, get some pizza at Blackjack TODAY from 2:00pm-7:00pm.  Don’t forget to tell them you’re supporting AHS Warrior Week!  If you’re ordering online click the Arapahoe button!  

*Some of our Warrior Week activities have been rescheduled, so please check our new schedule of events & activities.

  • Our Warrior Week Assembly will be held on Friday, April 5th.  

  • Our Dodgeball Tournament will NOT be tonight, but on Wednesday, April 3rd @ 6:00pm. We have some changes to our Tournament: students can have 6-10 kids on a team, mixed gender rosters. You can also be a free-agents and teams will be made out of those lists.  The final four teams will play under blacklight for blacklight dodgeball. 

  • Wednesday - sport & jersey day, Swish for a Wish Staff vs Senior Basketball Game @ 7:00pm in the main gym - $5 admittance, eat out a Modern Market in the Streets of Southglenn from 11:00am-9:00pm OR go to the Varsity Inn from 5:00pm-10:00pm. Both businesses will be donating a portion of the proceeds to our Warrior Week.

  • Thursday - Country vs Country Club dress-up, come to our Community Carnival from 5:00pm-8:30pm (50 tickets for $20.00), go to Twisted Sugar in Highlands Ranch from 9:00am-9:00pm for some yummy sweet treats

  • Friday - Anything but a Backpack  and Black and Gold Day dress-up - don't forget the rules - nothing larger than 12 X 27 inches (rolling suitcases size), you must be able to carry it by yourself, nothing motorized or that requires electricity, no live animals or family members, no glass

*AHS Sophomores and Juniors - Link Crew wants you to lead through activities, leadership class, and relationships. If you are interested in being a LINK Crew Leader for the 2024-2025 school year, complete an online application through our Google site found under Activities on the Arapahoe web page.  Your completed application is due by Friday, April 19th, 2024.  We look forward to working alongside you in servant leadership.  If you have any questions, check with  the Link Crew Sponsors - Mrs. Appleton, Mrs. Bradley, Mr. Brandberg, Mrs. Kitsch or Mrs. Moritz.  

*Warriors, on Thursday, March 21st we challenge you to join us and recognize World Down Syndrome Day. On this day, we know you will be wearing Country Club or Country style attire but we ask that you ALSO wear your favorite pair of socks. Crazy, comfy, cool, athletic or plain socks.  Help us show support for our friends who have Down Syndrome.  


Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!

Monday, March 18, 2024

 General Announcements

*Warriors - you look great in your Surf or Snow gear.  There will be a Rubber Duckie Toss during both lunches TODAY!  Don’t forget to visit Chick-fil-a TONIGHT from 4:00pm-7:00pm and let them know you’re supporting AHS Warrior Week.   Here is the upcoming schedule of events  and activities:

  • Tuesday - PJ & your favorite stuffed animal dress-up, Harry Potter trivia during both lunches, Dodgeball tournament @ 6:00pm (the deadline for turning in the dodgeball rosters has been extended until today!  get your packets and money in as soon as possible) and eat out at Blackjack Pizza from 2:00pm-7:00pm

  • Wednesday - sport & jersey day, Swish for a Wish Staff vs Senior Basketball Game @ 7:00pm in the main gym - $5 admittance, eat out a Modern Market in the Streets of Southglenn from 11:00am-9:00pm OR go to the Varsity Inn from 5:00pm-10:00pm. Both businesses will be donating a portion of the proceeds to our Warrior Week.

  • Thursday - Country vs Country Club dress-up, our Community Carnival from 5:00pm-8:30pm (50 tickets for $20.00), go to Twisted Sugar in Highlands Ranch from 9:00am-9:00pm for some yummy sweet treats

  • Friday - Anything but a Backpack  and Black and Gold Day dress-up - don't forget the rules - nothing larger than 12 X 27 inches (rolling suitcases size), you must be able to carry it by yourself, nothing motorized or that requires electricity, no live animals or family members, no glass

*Congratulations to the LPS Winter Guard on their recent competition where they placed 6th. The ensemble has improved each competition thus far. They are off to Regionals this coming weekend. Congrats Winter Guard and good luck! 

*Senior Ladies looking for scholarships: ask Ms. Conn or your counselor about the Pearl Brown Scholarship! This need-based scholarship has no applicants so far, so the deadline has been extended to April 1st. Take advantage of those odds & apply over spring break!

*Warriors - TONIGHT from 6:00pm-8:00pm, your AHS Counseling Department presents - College Information Night. Whether you’re a student navigating the college path or a parent seeking clarity, don’t miss this opportunity to get a true insider’s look at the Admissions Process with a Q&A Panel of College Admissions Counselors at 6:00pm followed by a College Fair at 7:00pm.

*AHS Sophomores and Juniors - Link Crew wants you to lead through activities, leadership class, and relationships. If you are interested in being a LINK Crew Leader for the 2024-2025 school year, complete an online application through our Google Site found under Activities on the Arapahoe web page.  Your completed application is due by Friday, April 19th, 2024.  We look forward to working alongside you in servant leadership.  If you have any questions, check with  Mrs. Appleton, Mrs. Bradley, Mr. Brandberg, Mrs. Kitsch or Mrs. Moritz - the Link Crew Sponsors.  


*Come cheer on your Girls Varsity Soccer team as they take on Rampart @ 7:00pm at the D20 Stadium at Liberty High School.  

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

 General Announcements

*CALLING ALL WARRIORS!!  Next week is Warrior Week!  Get ready to have a blast all week with fundraising, restaurant nights, dodgeball, a carnival, dress-up days and MORE!!.  Show our Wish Kid Alyson some love on Friday at the Warrior Week assembly during TRIBE by wearing BLUE, her favorite color.  Warrior Week T-shirts are on sale during both lunches for $7.  All proceeds go to our fundraising to help Alyson get her wish of meeting the U.S. Women’s Gymnastics team.   

*Hurry up Warriors - get ready to dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge! There are only a limited number of spots left for the Dodgeball Tournament next week! It only costs $10 for each player and a team must consist of 10 people, 3 must be girls. The TOURNAMENT is on March 19th at 6:00pm AND players must be there at 5:30pm. Stop by the Activities office to pick up a form from Mrs. Peterson.  Come have some fun and help make Alyson's wish come true! 

*Time to get your PINK on and come see the AHS production of ‘Mean Girls’ on Thursday, Friday or Saturday.  Come support the hardworking and talented Performing Arts students who have put so much time and effort into this production!  Tickets can be purchased online at  

*Sophomores & Juniors... is University of Oklahoma on your college list? Come to the Postsecondary Center TOMORROW, Thursday at 10:05am to visit with an OU admissions counselor to see if it's a good fit for you. Please get a pass from Ms. Conn or your counselor if you'll be missing class.

*Hey, National Honor Society Members, remember to meet in the cafeteria after school TODAY to cut and hang shamrocks.  See Ms Price with questions.

*This Thursday, March 14th, is College Colors Day! Whether it's a team you follow, where you've committed, or where you dream of going, wear your favorite college gear & help celebrate higher ed!

*ATTENTION ALL ARAPAHOE ARTISTS! The Art Attack is Back! The 20th Annual Art Attack is underway, and the Art department is now collecting pieces for the show. If you are interested in entering, please swing by the Art office and fill out your entry forms. We will be collecting art work now through Friday, March 22nd so don’t wait. For more information or any questions please see Mrs. Hawthorne, Ms. Davidson, or Mrs. King.

*Warriors - Monday, March 18th, 6:00pm-8:00pm, your AHS Counseling Department presents - College Information Night. Whether you’re a student navigating the college path or a parent seeking clarity, don’t miss this opportunity to get a true insider’s look at the Admissions Process with a Q&A Panel of College Admissions Counselors at 6:00pm followed by a College Fair at 7:00pm.


*Congrats to our Warrior Varsity Baseball team on their victory in their home opener win against Thunder Ridge.  Come out and cheer on the Freshman team TODAY at their home opener against Thunder Ridge at HOME after school at 4:15pm.

*Good Luck to our Boys Varsity Swim & Dive team as they take on Cherokee Trail at HOME today @ 5:00pm.  

*Good Luck to our Girls Varsity & JV Golf teams at their league meet at Springhill Golf Course TODAY!

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!