General Announcements
Congratulations, seniors, on becoming seniors! We hope you have a great year -- and you’ll want to preserve these memories by getting your senior portrait and bio in the yearbook. The photo and biography submission deadline is Friday, Sept. 4th. Please see Mr. Anderson in the Journalism room E8 if you have any questions.
ATTENTION ALL YOU ARAPAHOE ARTISTS! Art Club will hold its first meeting this year on Monday, August 24 at 2:30 in Room E11.
Come one, come all to the Back To School Dance for AHS Students only tonight in the Cafeteria from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m.. Tickets will be $5.00 per person and will be sold at the east entrance by the bubble. ID is Required.
Auditions for the fall show are Tuesday and Wednesday August 25 and 26. See theatre callboard or Mr. Earley for details. Drama club will have an audition workshop after school on Monday the 24th. The show is “Quilters”.
Homecoming is coming quickly! This year, royalty nominations will take place in the cafeteria. Be sure to come to the cafeteria on Tuesday, August 25th to vote.
The Muse Magazine, Arapahoe’s only publication of arts and literature created solely by students, is having its first organizational meeting on Wednesday August 26th in E-11 after school. We are starting a brand new year and looking for new leadership and a creative crew of students who are interested in making this year’s magazine the best ever! The Muse club creates a professional magazine from start to finish, judging and arranging creative art, poetry, fiction and essays from our incredibly talented student body. If you have questions about it before then, ask one of the faculty sponsors about it: those sponsors are Mr. Miles, Mrs. Davis, and Mrs. Cladney in the Language Arts office, and Mrs. Hitchens in the Art department. Even if you’re not sure if you’re interested, come to our first meeting and decide then: that’s Wednesday August 26th in E-11, down in the art area, after school. See you there!