Friday, March 22, 2013

March 22, 2013

General Announcements

Hey Warriors, today is the last day left in this year's Warrior Week. Don't miss out on your last chance to help Adam's Camp, a charity supporting children with special needs throughout the Denver Metro area. T-shirts are still available in the cafeteria for only $10. Help us reach our goal of $15,000!
Congratulations to our very own Logan Brock, who has been named one of only 40 2013 Boettcher Foundation Scholarship recipients. Way to go Logan!

Attention potential LINK leaders . . . LINK Crew applications for next year are due TODAY by 2:30 p.m. Applications taken after 2:30 will be marked LATE and considered after other selections have been made.  Any questions, see Ms. Smith, Mr. Trotter, Mrs. Ackerman, or Mrs. Moritz.

To all of those students who submitted their creative work in fall semester to the Muse magazine, we have good news—the decisions have been made for the 2012-2013 Volume 11 edition of the magazine!   The Muse staff and faculty sponsors would like to thank everyone who submitted their fine work to us.  We hope everyone will continue to send work our way next year.  We would like to extend our congratulations to all the artists and writers whose work was accepted into the magazine this year.  You can find out if your work made it in, by checking the Muse case just outside the English office in the “C” hallway.  We will celebrate those creative students on the Thursday following Spring Break, which is April 4th, in our annual Showcase in the Forum.  Again, congratulations to the writers and artists for this year’s Muse!  You help make Arapahoe what it is!

It's time for the monthly Arapahoe Herald Survey! Please log on to your school email account or use the link on the Arapahoe home page to begin. The survey closes on Sunday, March 31st. We appreciate your responses! 

Attention all Arapahoe artists, Art Attack is here!  We are now accepting entries for our 2013 show.  Show off your talents and submit up to two works in every category.  See flyers around the school for detail.  Bring your artwork in to any art teacher now through April 5th.

Hey Warriors?  Got Talent?  Do you have a talent that you've always wanted to share?  Something that you know the school would love to see?  Well, we have just the place for you!!!  The Prom Talent Show is coming up after Spring Break and tryouts will be held on April 9th from 2:30 to 5:30 and April 10 from 5:00 to 7:30.  So, plan ahead.  Tryout forms can be picked up in the main office starting April 1st.  Come out and showcase your talent!!


Congratulations to the boys Varsity baseball team as they defeated Cherokee Trail 5 to 4!  Great job Warriors! 

Congratulations to the Level 3 boys lacrosse team who won their game against Cherokee trail yesterday! Great job Warriors!

Come out and support the Varsity boys lacrosse team at 7 p.m. as they take on Cherokee Trail at LPS Stadium. Lets go Warriors!

Today, the Girls' Lacrosse teams, Varsity and JV, take on the Regis Jesuit Raiders.  The Varsity game is at 4 p.m. at LPS Stadium.  The JV game is at 6:00 p.m. at Newton Middle School.  Please come out and cheer the Warriors on to victory!  Go Arapahoe, trounce the Raiders!

For further details on any announcements see the Arapahoe web site. 
Warriors always take care of one another.