Monday, May 15, 2023

Monday, May 15, 2023

 General Announcements

*Warriors - please take a moment to thank our AMAZING 2022-2023 Student Daily Announcers.  They have been INCREDIBLE!!  THANK YOU Mac, Ray, Taylor, Matthew, Steyn, Ryan, Katie, Lynae, Noah and Royal.  We will not be announcing over the PA during Finals week, but Daily Announcements will be available on the website until May 25th.

*Students - there will be a mandatory meeting for students registered for Mr. Low's CE Math classes for the 2023-24 school year on Tuesday, May 23rd from 2:30pn - 3:00pm in the Forum.  If you have any questions, please email Mr. Low.

*Warriors - Are you interested in being a part of the ‘Pride of Arapahoe’ Marching Band for the 2023-24 school year.  We are holding our 2023 Marching Band Information meeting on Friday, May 26 at 6:00pm in the Forum.  This meeting is a great opportunity to learn about the upcoming season, meet our staff and student leadership team and meet other families.

*Just a reminder: ALL school fees and fines must be paid in order to be listed as cleared to pick up a 2023 Calumet yearbook in the Aux gym TODAY from 3:31pm-4:15pm OR Tuesday, May 16th all day from 8:00am - 3:45pm.  To check whether you owe any fees or fines, check the “Fees” tab in your Infinite Campus.


Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!