Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

 General Announcements

*Hey Arapahoe Artists! The Art Attack Show is now over, and we need your help getting your artwork back to you.  If you had a piece in this year's Art Attack Show, be sure to stop by the Art Department by Friday, May 17th to pick up your artwork.

*Attention National Honor Society Members:  your second-semester service logs are due by Monday, May 13th.  Remember to take a picture of your sheets before you give a sponsor your hard copy.

*Warriors! Join LSA (Latino Student Alliance) this Friday, May 10th from 4:00pm-6:00pm in the cafeteria as we all come together to celebrate the cultural diversity that makes up Arapahoe High School? More than 15 different cultures will be represented throughout food and music! This event is free and we hope to see you there!

*Seniors! If you have not yet completed the Senior Exit Survey, please get it done now, even if you're not sure of your post grad plan!  It must be completed by this Friday if you have scholarships to report, and all surveys must be submitted by next Friday, May 17th. Don't find yourself waiting in an extra long line at cap & gown pick up because you haven't checked this task off your list!


*Come out and cheer on your Girls Varsity Lacrosse team TODAY in the first round of playoffs against Kent Denver @ Deso Field at 3:30pm.

*Warriors - we need you to come cheer on the LPS Boys Volleyball team in the State Playoffs starting Thursday, May 9th against Grandview @ 3:00pm at Overland HS.   We'd love to see you there!!  

*Warriors come Dine & Donate to our Boys Lacrosse program Thursday, May 9th at Primo Hoagie on Holly St from 4:00pm-8:00pm.  Mention AHS Boys Lacrosse and 20% of sales will go to the program.  

*Come participate this summer in our AHS Sports Camps! Check out the Arapahoe Athletics Webpage for links to the sports camps being offered including flyers, registrations, and contact information.  

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!