Monday, August 22, 2011

August 22, 2011

General Announcements

Attention all students: Please remember to turn in your Emergency Card and the AHS Permission Form if you did not have it at schedule pick up. Both forms must be signed by a parent or guardian. The Permission Form is very important for Internet Usage and Field Trips as well as other details. The Emergency Card is extremely important if there is an emergency situation, it needs to be legible and completed in detail. Please bring them to the Attendance Office. You can also pick up blank forms to take home if you need them.

Attention Freshmen – Are you interested in becoming a Student Council officer? You could be the president of the freshmen class. There will be an intent-to-run meeting for all freshmen interested in becoming a Student Council officer tomorrow at 6:45 and 2:30 p.m. in the forum. Please see Mr. Brandberg in World Languages or Mrs. Lee in Language Arts for more details.

One week down and you’re still not involved in an after school activity? Well come join the drama club for the first meeting of the school year tomorrow after school in the auditorium. We will discuss this years productions as well as plans for our homecoming float. Drama Club – Be There!

Attention all MUSERS!!! The first meeting for MUSE will be Thursday, August 25th at 2:30 in Room E11.
This is a very important meeting to get the year up and running. Mark your calendar and bring a friend!

Today is the day! Art Club meets after school today in Room E11!


For further details on any announcements see the Arapahoe web site.
Warriors always take care of one another.