General Announcements
*Wondering how you'll do on the SAT or PSAT this spring? Register for FREE practice tests hosted by The Princeton Review on Saturday, April 2nd, and find out! You'll receive a personalized score report and have access to all tests through July. Tests don't have to be taken on the 2nd, but you must register by 9am on April 1st to receive access. See Ms. Conn in the Post-Secondary Center for more information.
*Friends of the Littleton Library and Museum 55th Annual Creative Writing Contest is open for submissions. Student writers can earn prizes in four categories: poetry, short fiction, short non-fiction, and collaborative. The deadline for submissions is March 26th. For more information pick up a packet in the Language Arts Department or Library.
*Are you interested in trying out for the Arapahoe Cheerleading Team for the 2022-2023 season? Please visit the AHS cheerleading website to fill out the interest form and sign up for upcoming open gyms. Tryouts will run from April 11th to April 15th. There will be a parent and athlete interest meeting on March 31st at 7:00pm in the AHS tiered classroom to gain more insight into the program itself. We look forward to seeing you there!
Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details.
Warriors always take care of one another!