Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

 General Announcements

*Warriors - the reception for our Art Attack will take place TOMORROW from 6:00pm-7:30pm in the theater hallway. Awards will be presented to our category winners at 7:00pm. If you plan to attend please enter through the east bubble entrance. Come help us celebrate all our talented artists at Arapahoe!

*Attention 2024 - 2025 National Honor Society Members:  The ballot for next year's officers is in your email.  Please complete it by midnight TONIGHT.

*Arapahoe High School proudly announces the remarkable success of Team Sigma Scripters at the 2024 Colorado School of Mines High School Programming Competition held on April 20th.  Out of 27 talented teams in the advanced category, Team Sigma Scripters emerged triumphant, securing an impressive 2nd place.  Congrats Warriors!

*Juniors & Seniors - if you are planning on bringing a guest to Prom from Another School or an underclassman, please pick up a Guest form at the Front Desk or Activities office.


*Come cheer on your ABK Girls Varsity team TONIGHT @ Centennial Stadium at 7:00pm.  Help us celebrate our 13 AMAZING Seniors before the game at 6:00pm. JV will play at 4:30pm at the AHS JV soccer field.   

*Warriors - come support your LPS Boys Volleyball teams TONIGHT against Mullen at Heritage HS.  Varsity will play at 6:30pm after JV @ 5:30pm and C Level @ 4:15pm.  

*Good Luck to the Boys Baseball teams as they take on Eaglecrest TONIGHT.  Varsity plays @ 4:15pm at Eaglecrest.  JV plays @ HOME @ 4:30pm.

*Are you interested in being a TOM? Join us TOMORROW, April 24th at 6:30pm in the Forum for an informational meeting! Please enter through the north Forum doors.  Tryouts for Toms are May 7th-9th!  Make sure to get on the contact list to stay up to date on times, locations, and prep clinics! Email Coach Madeline at ahstoms@gmail.com or visit our Instagram page, @ ArapahoeToms. 

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!