Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

 General Announcements

*Calling all Sophomores and Juniors - Are you interested in serving your community, building relationships, helping incoming freshmen and new students feel welcome at Arapahoe, and learning leadership skills? Apply for LINK Crew for the 2025-26 school year. Go to the LINK CREW website on the ACTIVITIES page for the application form. LINK Crew applications are due Friday, March 21st.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Appleton, Mrs. Bradley, Mr. Brandberg, or Ms. Kitch.

*Warriors - have you lost a jacket, water bottle, Stanley, swimsuit & towel, shoes or anything else?  Please check the Lost & Found table in the cafeteria starting today.  Items not claimed will be donated to those in need.

*The 21st Annual Spring Art Attack is back!  Please submit your artwork by Friday, March 21 to have it displayed in this juried art show.  Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your creativity.  Get your submissions in!

*Buy Butter Braids for Band and support the AHS Instrumental Music programs.  Enjoy some delicious butter braids, gluten-free cookie dough and more.  Order by March 31st and pickup will be April 5th.  Use this LINK to order.  Any questions email fundraising@arapahoeband.com.  


*Warriors, the Boys Lacrosse team is on the hunt for their 4th win of the season. Come help us pack the stands at HOME against Cheyenne Mountain TONIGHT!  Varsity face off starts @ 7:30pm Littleton Stadium.  JV begins @ 4:30pm at Powell MS.  See you there!!

*Good Luck to our Girls Varsity Golf team as they take on the Littleton Lions TODAY at the South Suburban Golf Course!

*Come cheer on your Boys Varsity Baseball team TODAY at HOME against the Denver North Vikings after school at 4:00pm.  The Sophomore team plays at 4:30pm against the Denver Eagles at Denny Miller Baseball team.  

*Game, Set, Match!  Good Luck to our Girls Tennis Teams against Colorado Academy TODAY!

*Let’s get LOUD for your Girls Lacrosse teams as they take on the Heritage Eagles TODAY!  Varsity plays at 5:00pm at Heritage HS and JV plays at Centennial Stadium at 7:00pm.

Come Cheer on your Girls Varsity Soccer team TODAY as they take on our cross town rival Heritage at Heritage HS at 7:00pm.  JV plays at 4:30pm at Centennial Stadium.  

*Warriors - if you are interested in participating in Girls Flag Football in the fall, bring a friend and attend our Interest Meeting in the Forum, Friday, March 21st at 3:45pm to find out more information. For any questions email Coach Stauffer -  kstauffer@lps.k12.co.us.

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!