Daily Announcements are read over the school's public address system each day.
Friday, December 16, 2005
December 16, 2005
General Announcements
Hey Arapahoe! Film Club wants the movies of all you aspiring film makers out there for a Student Film Festival. The due date won't be until March, but Winter Break is a perfect time to work on those movies. Just keep them under an hour and appropriate for school. See you next semester.
A couple of things to keep in mind, Warriors, as you prepare for final exams starting today. . . First, appropriate dress is expected during all of finals week. If you arrive at school in PJ’s, flannel pants, slippers, or any other “sleepwear,” you will be sent home to change and risk missing your final. Secondly, final exams are an expectation in every class. You will not be allowed to leave early from any final, so plan accordingly and bring a book or other material to study should you finish early. Additionally, all academic halls will be closed once the final exam period has started, so if you need to meet with a teacher or go to the library, you must arrive there PRIOR to the tardy bell. The cafeteria will remain open for you to have a place to wait and study. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR FINAL EXAMS!
Juniors who plan on participating in Division I or II NCAA Collegiate Sports must see Mrs. Oeinck in the Guidance Center regarding the ACT State Assessment voucher before January 11, 2006.
Attention all Physical Education students: Please remove all your clothing and locks off your lockers after your last Physical Education final or by the end of school on December 21. The locker rooms will be cleared at the end of finals. We will issue new lockers at the beginning of next semester to all Phys. Ed. students. Thank you.