General Announcements
Hey guys…don’t let your 18th birthday go by without registering with Selective Service. There’s really nothing to it, and you’ve got to do it. After all, it’s the law and it only takes 5 minutes. Besides, you must register to be eligible for federal student loans, job training benefits, most federal employment, and enrollment in state colleges and universities. So, if you’re a guy about to turn 18, you can register at the Post Office or go online at If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Snyder in the Guidance Office.
Attention all DECA members attending State. There will be a MANDATORY meeting today after school in Room S1. If you’re not there – you’re not going!
Attention NHS members. We need 10 volunteers to work at Freshmen Showcase on March 2nd from 6-9 p.m. Pizza and drinks will be provided. Please sign up at Mrs. Lee’s desk in the English office if you are interested.
All Special Olympic basketball partners please stop by S6 to pick up a tournament schedule and to check off if attending the basketball tournament and banquet.