General Announcements
*The winners of the Mrs. B's Annual Halloween Candy Jar Count are:
Gold Day, Jar #1: MJ Eggen and Jar #2: Caden Kalkofen and
Black Day, Jar #1: Doug Lockard - with an exact guess of 153!!! and Jar #2: Zachary Robledo - with an exact guess of 200!!! Congratulations winners! Please stop by the Library with your photo ID to pick up your prize candy jar!
Attention all Staff: Today is the last day to enter your guess for the Staff Candy jar in the main office. The winner will be announced Friday, October 30.
*Arapahoe is having our 2020 food drive! Donate to the food boxes now through November 13. You can find the boxes by security kiosks and in the cafeteria. Non-perishable canned food is best! See the posters for more information!
*Pictures from photo re-take day have arrived and are available to pick up from Mrs. Witt's office in the counseling area. There are also a number of picture packages that have not been claimed from pictures taken at the beginning of the year. Stop by and pick up your photos today!
*Seniors! Do you have a November 15th college application deadline? The College Application Tracking Form will be due on October 30th by 4:00 PM for all schools with a November 15th application deadline. See Mrs. Arnold in the main office or Mrs. Hall in the library if you have questions regarding the College Application Tracking Form.
*ATTENTION FRESHMEN! Please look at the bottom of your District Chromebook. If you see a barcode sticker for your Middle School, or no barcode sticker at all, please stop by the Library during an open hour or during your lunch break to update your laptop to an Arapahoe barcode sticker. Thank you!
*Be SPOOKTACULAR and wear your masks, do your daily health self-screenings, practice social distancing, wash your hands often and remember to record your attendance on all virtual days.
*The AHS Boys and Girls Swim and Dive Teams would like to thank everyone who provided support to Tuesday night’s No Cook Restaurant Night @ The Garlic Knot on Arapahoe. Garlic Knot had a recording glitch so if you dined in or ordered to support AHS Boys and Girls Swim and Dive Teams please call the Garlic Knot today (303.220.5668) and give them your last name and order total to verify your support. Thank you!
Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details.
Warriors always take care of one another!