Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

 General Announcements

*Students, please check your second semester schedule in Infinite Campus. All students are required to be enrolled in at least 6 classes per quarter. If a change needs to be made, please see the counselors during your unscheduled times or during lunch for any schedule resolution. 

*Attention 2021 Academic Letter Recipients. If you are a junior who received their Academic Letter this year but were unable to attend the ceremony in person, please be sure to come and collect your packet from the main office. Packets must be picked up before winter break. Thank you!

*Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors: are you interested in studying abroad during high school? Then this week’s featured scholarship is for you! AFS-USA offers a wide range of scholarships for their semester- and year-long global studies programs. Go see the world on someone else’s dime! More details are available on Naviance.

*Seniors in the National Honor Society! Service logs are due next Friday, December 10th! There will be an online google form to fill out and a place on the form to attach an image of your physical service log. Remember that 15 hours of service is the minimum requirement and each service event put down requires a signature! Reach out to Mrs. Bownds if there are any further questions.

*Good Morning. My name is Gwyn and I am one of the members of Sources of Strength. Our campaign for December is Generosity and Thankfulness. Part of the campaign are daily challenges. Today, the challenge is to give someone a thank you card. Thank you cards can show a person how much they mean to you. Stop by the counseling office or library to grab a thank you note for a staff member and join in spreading Hope, Help and Strength


*Come cheer your water Warriors!  Saturday 11th, Arapahoe host Arapahoe Relays. Activities kick off at 9am for Dive, with Swim meet starting at 11:30am 


*Wish good luck to the Heritage/LPS Hockey team in our game against Chatfield at 1:45 pm Edge Ice Arena.


*Your AHS Varsity Cheerleaders are headed to the State Competition this Thursday! Good luck to the cheers as they compete in the Varsity Gameday Competition!"


*Come join the Arapahoe Boys Swim & Dive team and participate in a sport that's fun, rewarding and includes both individual and team events. All ability levels are welcome.  Check out the AHS Swim and Dive website for more details - AHSswimdive.  If you are interested in joining the team or want to be notified of upcoming meetings for the 2022 season, please join our email list to ensure that you receive all updates about the upcoming season!

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details.


Warriors always take care of one another!




The Arapahoe Girls Lacrosse Team is selling Butter Braid pastries. These are delicious frozen pastries that are baked at your home. Ordered by December 13th.  Scan the QR code and order directly from the player or Click Here. The pastries will be delivered to your home after December 15th by the players since these products cannot be shipped.
