Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Tuesday, February 22, 2022


General Announcements

*Over the next week, bring in school supplies, toys, and snacks to donate to the kids at East Elementary for their Spring Break. Please put any donations in the boxes by the Warrior head in the cafeteria, the bubble, and the forum entrance. Let’s help our friends in other parts of LPS have a restful and fun spring break!
*Reminder, first Responder Club is meeting tomorrow at 8:30 am in room E1287.
*Juniors! Interested in learning more about the University of Tennessee, San Diego State, Metro, or ACC this week? Register in Naviance for College Rep visits today! These are very casual group meetings where you can choose to ask questions or just listen. You won't regret showing up!
*Computer Science coding club meets after school today in Ms. Bownd's room.
*Hey Warriors! An AHS Big Idea Project is supporting careers for the homeless! Bring any unwanted business and interview attire to the bubble on Saturday, February 26th between 10:00am and 2:30pm for donations! Any and all clothing items are welcome and preferably washed. Thank you for supporting our community!
*Are you planning to pursue advanced education in the study of the arts after graduation? Consider applying for The Dorian De Long Arts & Music Scholarship by March 1st for an opportunity to win a $2500 scholarship! Check out this scholarship and more in Naviance. See your counselor, or stop by the Post-Secondary Center in room S1401 for more details.
*Hey, warriors, do you like to sing? Sign up for Arapahoe Idol during Warrior Week! Ashlee, our wish kid, loves to sing! If you do too, sign up for our karaoke contest on April 4th at 7:00pm in the auditorium. Keep an eye out for flyers posted around the school to sign-up, or you can sign up in Infinite Campus. 
*Senior Gentlemen, we want YOU. Make sure to sign up for 2022 Mr. Arapahoe. We're looking for someone who represents our school with pride and honor! If interested, please send an email to Ms. Hamilton and Ms. Davidson. Deadline is on February 28th.
*Students! Now is the time to sign up for a locker partner for next year.  You can find the locker partner request form on the AHS website under Registration 2022-2023. The deadline to sign up for a locker partner is February 25th.


*Anyone interested in playing baseball this spring it's not too late!!!! Tryouts begin Monday, Feb 28th. See Mr. Dollaghan in the PE Department with questions.

*Register, Register, Register!! If you plan to try out for ABK Girls Soccer, please register ASAP through the Arapahoe High School Athletics website. You will need a current physical to register. Tryouts start on February 28th you cannot tryout if you are not registered. 

  • Anyone new to the program there will be a virtual meeting on Thursday, February 24th at 6:00pm. to meet with the Coach and a few Seniors. They will share best practices and answer questions. 

  • Tryouts start February 28, 2022 and continue each day of the week. Tryouts begin right after classes and go until 5 pm or later at the AHS soccer fields. Ending times will fluctuate, please stay flexible. Players need to bring their own water and shin guards. 

*If you are interested in learning more about Arapahoe Girls Lacrosse, please join us on Thursday, February 24th for a pre-season Parent/Player meeting at 6:00pm in the AHS Forum. Tryouts for the spring 2022 season are February 28th - March 2nd from 6 pm - 8 pm at South Suburban Bubble. Please request to be added to the Arapahoe GLAX team in Team App for more information!

*Boys Volleyball:  The inaugural season of CHSSA sponsored LPS Boys Volleyball will officially begin February 28th!  Interested athletes for all schools (Arapahoe, Heritage, and Littleton) can register online at https://bit.ly/LPSvballregistration.   To get the most up to date information regarding LPS Boys Volleyball, please join our email distribution list at https://bit.ly/LPSvballinfo.  For further questions, please contact Coach Ridenour at nridenour@lps.k12.co.us

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!