Thursday, February 09, 2023

Friday, February 10, 2023

 General Announcements

*Come cheer on your Unified Basketball team TONIGHT at the Unity Through Unified Tournament from 6:00-8:00pm in the AHS main gym. 

*Students, did you know you might be eligible to join Science National Honor Society?  If you have taken at least 1-AP Science course, have a 3.5 GPA in science classes, and your overall GPA is above 3.0, then you're eligible.  If you're interested in joining Science National Honor Society, please plan to attend a quick info meeting next Wednesday morning, February 15th at 9am in Mr. Smith's room W1884. 

*Arapahoe Celebrates School Counselor Week!  Last but no least, the final two awesome counselors here at AHS.  

Mr. Wadsworth- the living legend- has served as a counselor at Arapahoe, for the alphabet Si-Z, for 16 years. Mr. Wadsworth, a Colorado native, graduated from Lake County High school in Leadville, before competing in basketball and track at Western State University. Mr. Wadsworth has served as a track and basketball coach for many years and will add golf next year. Mr. Wadsworth has three children all with ties to Arapahoe as well. Fun fact- Mr. Wadworth is in the Leadville Hall of Fame!

Ms. Zimmerman has been at Arapahoe for six years- serving the alphabet Gr-Lo. She is also in her first year as the Counseling Department chair. Ms. Zimmerman, born and raised in Parker graduated from Chaparral High school where she was on the poms team.  A very proud Tiger- Ms. Zimmerman bleeds yellow and purple as she graduated with her Bachelor’s degree from LSU. Ms. Zimmerman has served as a Toms and football coach in her time at Arapahoe. She is also quite the foodie and is always ready to offer great opinions on the local cuisine!

*Today’s African American Pioneer in Mental Health.  Joseph L. White is sometimes referred to as "the father of Black psychology." He wrote the groundbreaking article "Toward a Black Psychology," which is credited as being the first-ever strengths-based (rather than deficit-based) evaluation and description of Black behavior and culture. He passionately advocated for the creation of Black psychology, arguing that applying white psychology to Black people often unfairly created the illusion of Black inferiority, when ultimately it was a reflection of the culturally irrelevant psychological principles being applied. He also helped found the Association of Black Psychologists as well as the Black Studies program at San Francisco State University in 1968.


*Come cheer on our Boys Varsity Basketball team as they kick off the Centennial League tournament tomorrow, 2:30pm at Cherry Creek High School.  Let’s Go Warriors!!

*Warrior Girl Golfers, there will be a Mandatory Player and Parent Meeting for the upcoming season on Monday, February 13th in the Forum at 5:00pm. See Coach Riordan with any questions.

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!