General Announcements
*Warriors - pack the house for your UNIFIED Basketball team as they take on Columbine on Friday, January 17th at 5:30pm at HOME. Come unify with us for our first home game of the season. Let's Go Warriors!
*Warriors - anyone interested in participating in Track and Field this spring, there will be a brief meeting TODAY in C1464 after school regarding uniform orders. If you can't make it, please see Coach Wadsworth in the Counseling office to get the information.
*Come out and cheer on the Warrior Wrestlers at HOME TONIGHT against Cherry Creek starting @ 5:00pm.
*Good Luck to our Girls Swimming & Diving team TODAY as they take on the Grandview Wolves at Grandview starting at 5:00pm.
Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details.
Warriors always take care of one another!