General Announcements
*Congratulations to the Girls Swimming and Diving team on their victories over Littleton and Heritage High Schools over the weekend. The girls are back in action at Eaglecrest on Thursday for their last dual meet of the season. Good luck, girls!
*The Boys Swimming & Diving team will be holding their organizational meeting next Tuesday, January 28 at 7:00pm in the Forum. Be sure to attend the meeting to get important information on the upcoming season. The Boys Swimming & Diving team is a no-cut spring sport that welcomes all levels of swimmers and divers!
*Warriors - the 2025 LPS Boys Volleyball open gyms start this week!! Try one of the fastest growing boys sports in the country. Freshmen & Sophomores, check us out Wednesday, January 22nd from 7:00-9:00pm in the Heritage aux gym. Juniors & Seniors, check us out Thursday, January 23rd from 8:00-10:00pm in the Arapahoe aux gym. Check out our website and join our email list to receive information about open gyms and tryouts for the 2025 season!
Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details.
Warriors always take care of one another!