General Announcements
*Warriors - all of our swim classes are seeking a certified lifeguard for this 3rd quarter. The classes we need a lifeguard for include periods 1,2,5,7. You can get PE credit by serving as a lifeguard. Please see or email Mrs. Abner if you are interested.
*Reminder that SAGA club is back! SAGA stands for sexuality and gender alliance club and we welcome anyone that wants to join! We will meet on Monday in the Zen Den in the Counseling office from 3:45 - 4:30 pm. Meet us there!
*Attention Warrior Baseball players. There is a Player/Parent meeting TONIGHT at 6:00pm in the Forum. Hear important information about the pre-season schedule and the upcoming spring baseball season.
Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details.
Warriors always take care of one another!