Friday, May 18, 2007

May 18, 2007

General Announcements

ATTENTION SENIORS: Those of you, who are High Honor students or Honor students, please stop by Mrs. Pramenko’s office to give her the correct pronunciation of your names for the Awards Convocation and Graduation.

Students – do you want to have a voice in actions and decisions made at Arapahoe? Before enjoying a relaxing summer, here’s an opportunity we hope you will consider. The Arapahoe School Accountability Committee is seeking 2 students to serve on this committee for next year. The committee meets once a month during the school year and is a valuable experience and opportunity for you to make a difference at Arapahoe. Please consider joining SAC! Applications are available on the Arapahoe Website or from Mrs. Minnotte in the Attendance Office. Application deadline is May 24th.

Like ice cream? Help support FBLA, and buy Maggie Moos Ice Cream today for $3. We will be outside on the south side of the school from 10-12.


All Physical Education Lockers must be cleaned out by the end of the day on Thursday, May 24th. Locks will cut and items left in lockers will be donated. Please see your PE teacher to get signed out of the PE locker rooms.

The girl’s soccer team advanced to the state semi-finals Wednesday night by defeating Chatfield by a score of 2-0. The ABK Warriors take on Mullen on Saturday, May 19th at Englewood High School with game time at 10:00 am. Everyone is invited to come on out and cheer on the girls - Go Warriors!

If you have not already done so, NOW is the time to get your summer camp registration in to Coach Sisler. Please get them in as soon as possible so we know who is going and make appropriate arrangements. As in years past, we will be car pooling to Gunnison. We will need some to drive there on June 15th and others to pick up on the 19th.

Student Initiated Groups-

The Remember Club asks you to buckle up and take care of one another.