Thursday, January 05, 2012

January 4, 2012

General Announcements:

Guidance Center presents Tip of the Week . . . Welcome to a new semester! Get the semester started RIGHT by using your planner to help keep you organized.

Juniors and seniors: Student ambassadors from Yale University and Mount Holyoke will be visiting within the next week to answer your questions and share information about their colleges. Check the college visit schedule on Naviance and sign up.

Attention members of National Honor Society... Our meeting scheduled for today after school has been cancelled. We'll meet again the first Wednesday of February, but you should definitely check our webpage on the school site and also our Facebook page for info on possible volunteer opportunities. Thanks!

Lost and Found: Please check the table in the cafeteria for clothing items and the Attendance Office for smaller items.


Attention girls interested in playing tennis this spring: There is a mandatory registration meeting for all girls interested in trying out for the team and their parents Tuesday, January 10 in the cafeteria from 6:30-7:30.

For further details on any announcements see the Arapahoe web site.
Warriors always take care of one another.