Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22, 2013

General Announcements

Juniors, remember that tomorrow is the ACT!  Testing room assignments are posted in the cafeteria and you must report to the room by 7:10 a.m.  You must bring two Number 2 pencils, your ID, and a calculator.  Do not bring your cell phone or any other electronic device.  Get a good night's sleep tonight and eat a healthy breakfast.  Good luck!

Seniors! Hey Seniors!  EXTREMELY IMPORTANT Senior Class Meeting tomorrow at 10:30 in the Theater.  GRADUATION, FUN IN THE SUN AND Senior class Events will be discussed.  Park in the West lot and walk around the building to enter from the East.  See you there.

All speech team members should plan to attend Tuesday's Speech and Debate team's meeting after school in C15 at 2:30. Officers for next year's team will be elected during this meeting.

...And the winner be determined by the members of the Drama Club this Thursday after school as we vote for end of the year awards in acting and technical categories.

If you are interested in working in the DECA Store next year, please stop by the Business Office to pick up an application!

Have you always wanted to use the school loud speaker?  Would you like sharing the Arapahoe news for the day?  If you are interested in reading the daily announcements next year, sign up for auditions in the Attendance Office with Mrs. Ayres.  Auditions will be held Monday, April 29, right after school.

Hey Warrriors!  The Prom talent show is Wednesday at 5:00 and 7:00.  There is some amazing talent for you to see!  Tickets are $5 and will be on sale in the cafeteria during both lunches from today through Wednesday, April 24th.  Tickets will also be available at the door the night of the show.  Come and enjoy the show!!  


The girls Gold lacrosse team defeated Grandview 9 - 7 on Saturday.  Their next game is Tuesday at 5:45 at ThunderRidge.

On Friday afternoon, the girl's Varsity lacrosse team accomplished a shut-out over the Overland Trailblazers by a score of 20-0.  Eleven different players scored goals and assists in a super overall team effort.  Alexy DaHarb controlled the ball by winning 8 draw controls, as well as scoring a hat trick, and 2 assists.  Defenders Kendall Cooke and Carey Kocur scored goals as the defenders traded places with the offense after a 16-0 halftime lead.  The next day, at a Saturday make-up game at Legacy Stadium, the Warriors continued their victorious run with an 18-8 victory over Cherokee Trail.  Britt Klosterman led the offensive charge with 4 goals and 3 assists, followed by Kate Englert with 4 goals and 2 assists.  Draw Control was dominated by Chandler Ramsey and Kienan Linhardt with 4 wins each.  Keep up the good work, Warriors!

There will be a Heritage Hockey Informational Meeting on Tuesday, April 30, 6 p.m. at the Garlic Knot.  Come learn about the three teams for all LPS hockey players and meet the coaches. A $10 all you-can-eat pizza buffet benefits the hockey team.

For further details on any announcements see the Arapahoe web site. 
Warriors always take care of one another.