Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

 General Announcements

*ATTENTION WARRIORS - the art hallway staircase is closed this entire week for maintenance, please use the tech hallway for access to your classes.  

*THANK YOU to Kayla, Lynae, Ella, Royle, Sarah, Diana, Keri and Mac for being our Daily Announcers.  We still need 3 more students to be Daily Announcers.  Please stop by the front desk and talk to Mrs. Schell or talk to one of our Announcers if you are interested.  

*Calling all wannabe Christian McCafferys and Aaron Rodgers! We need all Homecoming Powderpuff teams of 10-12 girls to register ASAP! Coaches can be parents, students, or teachers, but a staff sponsor must be registered with your team. All registration must be filled out by Wednesday, August 30th using the QR codes posted in the hallway or the link in your emails. The Prelim tournament will be September 2nd and the Championship games will be September 6th. See you on the field! 

*Hey Warriors:  We are looking for students to work in the DECA store this quarter. If you are short classes and need to add a class to your schedule, we would love to have you. Working in the DECA store is a great way to gain retail work experience. See your counselor or talk to Mrs. Maney or Mrs. Grantham in the Business department to find out more info. 

*Hello Warriors! Are you interested in computers? Do you like creating new things? Are you a creative problem solver? If yes, then we have the perfect club for you. The Computer Science Club at Arapahoe is holding its first meeting this Thursday, August 24th after school in room E1285.  We will share more information about the club, dates, and get in a few practice programming problems. See you there!

*ATTENTION talented Warriors! Do you want to showcase your talent at this year's 2023 Homecoming Talent Show? You're in luck! Auditions will be Friday, August 25 before school and Wednesday, August 30TH after school.  Please see Ms. Hamilton or Mrs. Davidson to sign up in advance!

*Support the AHS Instrumental Music Programs and enjoy some delicious Palisade Peaches at the same time. Order by Friday, August 25th. Pick up will be September 2nd at Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit.  Order online at: 



*The Boys Varsity Tennis Warriors had a big 6-1 win at home last night against the Columbine Rebels! The boys will be in action on Tuesday, August 29th at Chaparral with a 3:45pm start.

*Come cheer on the ABK Boys Varsity Soccer team TONIGHT as they face off against Far Northeast at 6:00pm at Evie Daniels Campus.  Then cheer on the ABK Fresh/Soph team on Wednesday, August 23rd as they take on Heritage at Heritage at 5:00pm.

*AHS Cheerleading is holding Fall Tryouts! If you are interested in trying out for cheerleading this fall, fill out the interest form linked in the bio of AHS cheers instagram @arapahoe_cheerleading or send us a DM. Tryouts will be held August 30th and September 2nd in the wrestling gym.

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!