General Announcements
*Students: All cars will need to be moved from the north parking lot at 2nd lunch TOMORROW, Thursday, August 17th for the Football Jamboree from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Please do not park in the north parking lot Thursday, August 17th after 1:30pm.
*Warriors - Makeup pictures are TOMORROW, Thursday, August 17th from 8:00am - 3:45pm in the Atrium outside of the Auxiliary Gym. Please attend during an off hour or your lunch. This is your last chance to get your student ID printed before the Back to School Dance and the Arapahoe/Heritage football game.
*ATTENTION talented Warriors! Do you want to showcase your talent at this year's 2023 Homecoming Talent Show? You're in luck! Auditions will be Friday, August 25 before school and Wednesday, August 30 after school. Please see Ms. Hamilton or Mrs. Davidson to sign up in advance!
*CALLING all girl lacrosse players interested in playing Fall Ball. Arapahoe is looking to field a team this season that starts on September 9th through South Suburban. South Suburban registration is open until August 18th and more information can be found on the South Suburban website.
Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details.
Warriors always take care of one another!