Monday, January 23, 2006

General Announcement

General Announcements
Attention talented mathematicians! Please remember to complete the American Mathematics Competition permission form and return it to your math teacher or to Mrs. Lobser by January 24.

PLAN test results are in!  If you took the PLAN test, you can pick up your results in the Guidance Office.

Attention All Student Council members and officers, our meeting on Tuesday Jan. 24th will start at 7am.  See you on Tuesday at 7am!!

Attention all National Honor Society members. The next NHS meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 25, after school in the Forum. Please plan to attend this short, but important meeting to learn about service requirements and opportunities for the semester.

Attention all interested TSA club members.  It is time to re-group, re-organize and re-commit to TSA.  If you are interested in participating in the state TSA conference in April, please plan on attending the 1st meeting of the 2nd semester.  It will be on Monday, January 30th in Room E-10.  Hope to see everyone there!!


Attention all Link Leaders and Freshman;  Link Crew is sponsoring the Varsity Basketball Game next Tuesday Night, January 24th at 7:00 p.m.  Any freshman wearing black and gold or Link Leader wearing their Link shirts will receive a free fountain drink or candy bar.  Come and support our Varsity Basketball players!!!

There will be a mandatory athlete and parent meeting for all girls interested in playing tennis this spring, on Wednesday Jan. 25 in the forum at 6:30 pm.  Girls currently playing a winter sport are exempt from the meeting but, you should talk to Coach Brayton as soon as possible.

Attention: Girls soccer players; we will meet in the weight room today at 2:30pm.  Please be dressed and ready to workout.

Student Initiated Groups
Disclaimer of School Endorsement- The following announcements concern a student interest group which is not sponsored or endorsed by Arapahoe High School or Littleton Public Schools.  The school’s compliance with federal law  permitting such groups to meet on school property does not constitute school or district support for the group’s purpose or the content of any of the group’s meetings or activities. 

The first FCA huddle meeting of 2006 is here. If you would like to be a part of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes then join us at 5 pm today, at Centennial Covenant Church. The church is located at 401 West Mineral Ave.  That is just west of Broadway. See coach Hatak if you have questions.

ATTENTION ART CLUB!!!!   Today is the Art Club Pizza Party and meeting.  We will meet after school in room E5.  We will be handing out information on our Field Trip to the Scholastic Art Exhibit and planning our activities for the remainder of the semester.  Don't miss this important and fun meeting!