Wednesday, May 10, 2006

May 10, 2006

General Announcements

Seniors this Thursday, May 11th is the last day to pay fines & return books. Your cap & gown will be held if you have any outstanding fines. Be sure that you check both the library and bookkeeping lists located around the building.

The most important book you may read this year, the Arapahoe Yearbook, will be distributed Monday, May 15. To receive this piece of history, a photo I.D. is required. Can't remember if you purchased a copy? You can check the lists in Room E-8 beginning today.

Students – do you want to have a voice in actions and decisions made at Arapahoe? Before enjoying a relaxing summer, here’s an opportunity we hope you will consider. The Arapahoe School Accountability Committee is seeking 3 students to serve on this committee for next year. The committee meets once a month during the school year and is a valuable experience and opportunity for you to make a difference at Arapahoe. Please consider joining SAC! Applications are available from Mrs. Minnotte in the Attendance Office. Application deadline is May 25th.

Seniors, please pick up your graduation tickets, today in the cafeteria during lunches.

Attention all art students from first and second semester! Please come by and pick up all your artwork from the Art Department!!!

FBLA officer applications are now available. Be a leader, socialize, community service projects, great opportunities for scholarships! Get involved now. Pick up an application in the Business Department. Applications are due Friday May 12.

Anyone interested in joining the Muse staff for next year’s magazine should come to an informational meeting this Wednesday after school in C-17, that’s C-17 for anyone who would like to join the Muse staff for next year. We are looking for fun, creative people like you who enjoy watching something artistic grow and become a reality. Staff members can still contribute creative work to the magazine, and learn a lot about producing and publishing a journal of arts and literature. Don’t snooze, join the Muse, today in C-17.

Please join us for a great evening of wonderful music and celebration dedicated to the graduating class of 2006! It’s the Spring Band Concert in the Theatre starting at 7pm. Pre-concert ensembles begin at 6pm. Tonight’s featured soloists include Peter Mitchell on trumpet, and Tenor Saxophonist, Katherine Cameron. Concert Band, Symphonic Band and our National Downbeat Award Winning Wind Ensemble will all be featured on the main concert.


Attention Boy Golfers!! There will be a meeting on Thursday, May 11th at 2:45 in room S-8 for all boys who are interested in trying out for the golf team in August. If you can’t be there, make sure your name gets turned in to Coach Anderson so you get all the necessary information.

Attention girls JV soccer players: uniform check-in will be this Thursday @ 2:30 in room C-7.