General Announcements
Attention National Honor Society members! Our next meeting is tomorrow after school in the Forum. We will discuss Wish Week and the remaining service opportunities for the year. See you there!
Please join the Arapahoe bands for a wonderful night of music tomorrow in the Arapahoe Theatre. The Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble will perform in the main concert at 7:00 pm. Numerous small ensembles, including the award winning Winter Percussion Ensemble, will perform in the 6:00 pm Pre-Concert. Hope to see you tomorrow night for a free concert of entertaining band music.
Hello, Arapahoe! Your favorite time of year is just around the corner. No, not Spring Break. WISH WEEK!
Next week, March 16-20, we will be raising money to send Ryan to Disney World. Make sure to bring your spare change all next week!
Monday, March 16 at 7 p.m., the talented and charming CU Buffoons will be performing in the theater. Don’t miss it!
Thursday, March 19 at 7 p.m., the competitive and conniving Senior vs. Staff Basketball game will be taking place in the gym. In addition to exciting game play, Stupid Human Tricks will be occurring throughout the game. Don’t miss this fun-filled event, and don’t forget to bring spare change and dollar bills!
Tickets for both events as well as Wish Week T-shirts can be purchased in the cafeteria during lunch.
The girls golf matches scheduled for today at South Suburban have been cancelled due to weather.
The AHS Lacrosse Gold team had a great start to the season. They beat ThunderRidge 14-5. Great job Gold Team!!
The freshmen boys’ lacrosse team will take on Littleton, at Goddard Middle School, on Wednesday, March 11, at 5:30 PM. Go Warriors!
Anyone interested in playing softball next year should attend an important meeting today at 2:30 in room N-5. If you cannot be there please see Coach Fazio.
Hey spirited Warriors! It’s that time of year again. . . Tryouts for the 2009-2010 Arapahoe High School JV and Varsity Cheerleading Teams!! Clinics will be held March 17th and 18th with tryouts on March 20th. You MUST have a current physical on file with the Athletic Office if you want to try out. All paperwork is due by this Friday, March 13. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Pramenko in the main office!