General Announcements
Hello, Arapahoe! It’s your favorite time of year. No, not Spring Break. WISH WEEK! This week, March 16-20, we will be raising money to send Ryan to Disney World. Make sure to bring your spare change all week! Thursday March 19 at 7 pm, the competitive and conniving Senior vs. Staff Basketball game will be taking place in the gym. In addition to exciting game play, Stupid Human Tricks will be occurring throughout the game. Don’t miss this fun-filled event, and don’t forget to bring spare change and dollar bills!
Tickets for this event as well as Wish Week t-shirts can be purchased in the cafeteria during lunch.
A reminder to all TSA students planning on attending TSA Nationals, your money & paperwork are due to Mr. McMullen Thursday after school by 2:45 sharp. Mr. McMullen needs to have an accurate count for his district meeting that night! Don’t delay!!
Attention sophomores and juniors. LINK Crew applications are due THIS FRIDAY by 2:30. Make sure you take the time to apply for this powerful leadership experience. Questions? See Mrs. Moritz, Mrs. Ackerman, Mr. Trotter, or Mr. Hawthorne.
Come on let’s dance! Come join famous AHS SALSA dancers like Colten Beck, Dan Huh, Mike Engel, & Jacob Marshall at the Rio Mexican Restaurant on Tuesday, March 31 at 7:30pm. Free Salsa lessons start at 7:30pm at the Rio near Park Meadows Mall. Hope to see you at Salsa night on March 31st.
ATTENTION ALL YOU CREATIVE ARAPAHOE ARTISTS!! “Art Attack” is just around the corner. Check the posters and flyers around the school to see the categories that you may enter your artwork. This is our show of shows for the year for Arapahoe. You do not need to be in an Art class to enter work. If you have questions, check in the Art Dept. GET YOUR ENTRIES IN NOW!!!!!!!
Hey Warriors! Are you interested in a way to decrease your car insurance costs? The Remember . . . Campaign and the PE Department invite you to register for Alive at 25, here at Arapahoe, Wednesday, April 1 at 4:30 p.m. The cost is $30 and registration is online at Click on “find course”, then “Colorado”, then “High School” and then enter keyword “Arapahoe”. We look forward to seeing you there! Registration ends March 30th.
Congratulations to the Arapahoe Girls Golf team who tied for first place in the Grandview Invitational yesterday. Sarah Moore was 3rd overall with an 81 and Michelle Gutknecht had an 84.
The Arapahoe Girls Varsity Tennis team defeated Cherokee Trail yesterday by a score of 6-1.