Friday, March 13, 2009

March 13, 2009

General Announcements

Congratulations to Junior Drummer, Kevin Matthews; Sophomore Bassist, Andrew Ryan, and Sophomore Saxophonist, Ian Rictor, for being selected to perform in the prestigious Mile High Jazz Festival All Star Band! They will perform live on KUVO-FM, and at the Colorado Bandmasters Association Convention this July!! Congratulations for this special honor!!!

The ACT Test Prep class starting on Monday will be in room N2.

ATTENTION ALL YOU CREATIVE ARAPAHOE ARTISTS!! “Art Attack” is just around the corner. Check the posters and flyers around the school to see the categories that you may enter your artwork. This is our show of shows for the year for Arapahoe. You do not need to be in an Art class to enter work. If you have questions, check in the Art Dept. GET YOUR ENTRIES IN NOW!!!!!!!

Hello, Arapahoe! Your favorite time of year is just around the corner. No, not Spring Break. WISH WEEK! Next week, March 16-20, we will be raising money to send Ryan to Disney World. Make sure to bring your spare change all next week!
Monday, March 16 at 7 p.m., the talented and charming CU Buffoons will be performing in the theater. Don’t miss it!
Thursday, March 19 at 7 p.m., the competitive and conniving Senior vs. Staff Basketball game will be taking place in the gym. In addition to exciting game play, Stupid Human Tricks will be occurring throughout the game. Don’t miss this fun-filled event, and don’t forget to bring spare change and dollar bills!
Tickets for both events as well as Wish Week T-shirts can be purchased in the cafeteria during lunch.

Hey Warriors! Are you interested in a way to decrease your car insurance costs? The Remember . . . Campaign and the PE Department invite you to register for Alive at 25, here at Arapahoe, Wednesday, April 1 at 4:30 p.m. The cost is $30 and registration is online at Click on “find course”, then “Colorado”, then “High School” and then enter keyword “Arapahoe”. We look forward to seeing you there! Registration ends March 30th.


Come and cheer on the AHS freshmen boys’ Lacrosse team as they host Cherry Creek High School on Saturday, March 14, at 10 AM at Powell Middle School!
Then, stay to cheer on the AHS boys’ JV Gold Lacrosse team as they take on Cherry Creek at 12:30 at Powell!

Hey Warriors, come out and support your Varsity girls’ soccer team as we take on Arvada West, TONIGHT at 7:30 at the LPS Stadium. Go ABK!

Hey spirited Warriors! It’s that time of year again. . . Tryouts for the 2009-2010 Arapahoe High School JV and Varsity Cheerleading Teams!! Clinics will be held March 17th and 18th with tryouts on March 20th. You MUST have a current physical on file with the Athletic Office if you want to try out. All paperwork is due by this Friday, March 13. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Pramenko in the main office!