Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

General Announcements

*This is an important reminder to ALL TSA members planning on attending the State TSA Conference in February that your Paperwork & Money are due THIS WEEK!  Please bring it to Mr. McMullen in Tech Lab, room #1286
Also, Due to a rescheduled appointment, there will be NO TSA meeting today after Finals!!   

*Former Students of Powell Middle School, please refrain from "visiting" Powell Middle School during their school hours (8:45 am-3:50 pm).  You are only allowed to be on their campus if you have communicated with the teacher you are planning to "visit" ahead of time, and scheduled a visit with them after school hours. If you are discovered on campus or in the school without prior permission, you will be asked to leave.  If you continue to come on campus after beinhttps://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gifg asked to leave, you may be ticketed.  
*The lost and found table will be located in the cafeteria this week. Any remaining lost and found items after Friday will be donated.


*Your JV & Varsity Boys Basketball Warriors play Lakewood tonight at 5:30 and 7 pm here at Arapahoe.  They love your support!

*This Thursday we have a home Dive & JV swim meet vs. Overland 5:30 PM - Diving will be the first event.  During winter break, on January 3 we have a home meet vs Regis Jesuit and Lewis Palmer. Varsity and JV swim compete at 10:00 AM, Diving competes at 1:00 PM.  Come cheer on our Girls!

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details