Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday, February 24, 2020

Please stand and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance
General Announcements

*Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors! This week, you have the opportunity to meet with college representatives from Metro State University of Denver, Arapahoe Community College, the University of Wyoming, the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, the University of Missouri, and Colorado Mesa University. Register in Naviance 24 hours prior to the visit, secure permission from your teacher, and bring the signed pass to the visit.  

*Seniors, there are 79 scholarship opportunities listed in Naviance right sure to check out the list!  There are currently 7 active scholarships for students pursuing STEM fields in college with deadlines this month and in March...check it out today!

*Shout out to Arapahoe TSA for a great State Conference! Our team made semifinals in: Assistive Technology, Board Game Design, Dragster Design, and Tech Bowl. Congrats to our Tech Bowl team for placing just off the podium in 4th place, and to our Assistive Technology Team consisting of Kayleigh Krueger, Taylor Kelly, and Andrew Wood for finishing in 2nd place in the State! So proud of you guys & gals, you represented Arapahoe High well!!

*Free Alive @ 25 class Wednesday, February 26th, 3:45 PM-8:15 PM in room W1874. If you are voluntarily taking the class the Sheriff's Office pays for your $79 fee. If you are 15 1/2 you can get your driver's permit after taking the class and many insurance companies give you a discount. This is a 4 1/2 hour class. Sign up on-line at To register for the class the password is "arapahoe". Any questions, ask Deputy Englert.

*The Spring Swim Waiver test registration is now open for current students who are interested in testing out of the required Swim course. Current students can find the registration link on the AHS website. The test will take place on Thursday, March 12th at 7:00 AM and the registration link will be open from now until March 3rd or when all spots are filled. Sign up today to take the swim waiver test.


*Your LPS/Heritage Hockey team finished their regular season first in their conference. They have a first round playoff bye and will face Cherry Creek or Rampart in the second round in Fort Collins on Friday night.

*Hey Warriors - it's time for basketball playoffs.  The girls will be hosting Douglas County on Tuesday at 7:00 PM and the boys will host Ft. Collins on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM.  Because these are playoff games, all students will need to purchase a $6 ticket at the door to attend. We need your spirit both nights - come out and cheer our teams on to victory. Go Warriors! 

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details.

Warriors always take care of one another!