Tuesday, March 18, 2008

March 18, 2008

General Announcements

ATTENTION ALL YOU ARAPAHOE ARTISTS! "Art Attack" is fast approaching! If you are interested in participating this year, bring your entrees to the Art Department. The deadline for all entrees is Friday, April 4. If you have any questions about "Art Attack" - see one of the teachers in the Art Department.

WISH WEEK is happening soon! We will celebrate Wish Week March 31st thru April 4th. AHS, please help us send 8 year old Marcus to Disney World. The CU Buffoons are coming back to AHS. Mark your calendar for the Wish Week Concert event on Monday, March 31st. Tickets for the CU Buffoons concert will be sold during lunch hours starting Wed. March 19th. The concert is at 7pm and tickets are just $5.00.
The big Seniors vs. Staff Basketball game is Thursday April 3rd, tickets are $5.00.

Auditions for the 2008-2009 AHS Concert Choir, Choralettes and Arapahoe Singers will be held April 21 – 25. There are sign up sheets in the choir room and everyone is welcome to audition. Please see Ms. Parmenter for details.

The Warrior Marching Band would like to announce their 2008-09 Drum Majors: Melanie Brown and Alyssa Barton!! Also, congratulations to our alternate drum major, Nicole Jensen!

“Calling all Math competitors: Metro State Math Day is quickly approaching. On Tuesday, April 15th, 8 students will travel to Metro State in Denver to compete in Algebra and Geometry competitions as well as a hands-on engineering project competition. There are prizes for the top teams. If you are interested in being part of this math competition and representing Arapahoe, please see your math teacher or Mrs. Bretz for a permission slip to attend.”

Hey guess what tonight is?
Yes!!! It is salsa night with the Spanish Club!
Salsa night is la bomba!
Don’t forget to join us for free lessons at 7:30 and open dance floor at 8:30 at the Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant by the movie theatre off of Yosemite.


Attention all of you lady Warriors trying out for Cheerleading for the 2008-2009 school year. In order to accommodate spring sports practices for soccer, track, tennis and golf, the clinic on Wednesday night, March 19th will be extended to 6:30 p.m. The entire clinic will run from 3:00 – 6:30 p.m. Don’t forget, you must have a current physical on file in the Athletic Office to participate in clinics and tryouts. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Pramenko.

Today at 4:00 the JV Gold Boys Lacrosse team will take on Boulder High School in Boulder. They are looking to go 3-0. Go Warriors!

Hey Warriors--it's another busy week for the Varsity Girls Lacrosse Team. After defeating Ralston Valley last Saturday 11-6, they have three games this week. They play Golden this afternoon at Newton at 4:00. They take on Colorado Academy at C. A. at 5:00 on Thursday, and they finish their week by playing Cherry Creek Saturday at LPS Stadium at 5:00. Please come out and cheer on the team at all of their games.

The Remember Club asks you to buckle up and take care of one another.