Thursday, September 13, 2007

September 13, 2007

General Announcements

Homecoming Tickets are on sale now. You can buy your homecoming tickets during lunch hours in the café. Tickets are $10.00 in advance and $15.00 at the door.

All students MUST show their student I.D. in order to be admitted to the Homecoming Dance on Saturday night. Please do not forget to bring your student ID to the Dance.

Show your spirit! Join Fbla for a face painting party on Friday after school at the West entrance. Cost is just $1.
Please join Fbla Monday after school for free pizza and club information, room S1 or see Mrs. Swank in the Business Department for more information.

Seniors! Don’t forget Senior Memory Blocks are due October 15 – your parents received the order form last May.

Hey Warriors! FCCLA (that’s Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) is sponsoring a free ice cream social on September 19th after school in room E2. You heard us right – it is totally free! You must sign up ahead of time and pick up a ticket in order to attend. Stop by rooms E2 or E3 to get your ticket. Come enjoy ice cream, learn about FCCLA, and meet new friends.
See you there Arapahoe!!

Yearbook DVDs are available in the Attendance Office. Please bring your ID.

Attention Creative Problem Solvers! A new season of Destination ImagiNation is beginning. If you are interested in participating on a team, please see Mrs. Lobser in the Enrichment Room.


Attention boys junior varsity soccer players: your pre-game meeting will be in room C-8 at 3:00.

Student Initiated Groups-
Attention Warrior Bowlers- if you are interested in buying an AHS Bowling Shirt please see Mrs. Godwin in her office to order one. Remember you must pre-pay before we can order it for you.
The Remember Club asks you to buckle up and take care of one another.