General Announcements
Attention all ART CLUB members! We are meeting every day after school in E11 and working on our Homecoming float. Plan to come on the days you can help.
Students, if you were nominated to be on the Homecoming Royalty court, you must be in the gym for Homecoming Royalty Assembly rehearsal at 6:45am on Monday, Sept. 10th. All Royalty nominees must be at the rehearsal.
Start spreading the news AHS students!!! Homecoming 2007 starts next week!! That is right, Sept. 10 - 15th is Homecoming Week. New York, New York is our theme! Here is the dress up day schedule.
Monday, Sept. 10th is black and white formal day in honor of our Royalty Court.
Tuesday, Sept. 11th is All american hero day. Dress up in red, white , and blue or as your favorite American Hero like a fireman or military soldier
Wednesday, sept. 12th is Wacky Tacky Wednesday. Find some clothes that look really tacky together. If you need help, ask Mr. Trotter what that looks like.
Thursday, Sept. 13th is 1964 day. This is the year that AHS opened so dress like you would in the 60's.
Friday, Sept. 14th is Class Color day. You know what that means, Fresh and Juniors wear black and Sophomores and Seniors wear gold. Get all psyched up for our big Pep Assembly that day.
The Homecoming Dance is on Saturday, Sept. 15th from 8-11pm. Tickets can be purchased in advance for $10.00 and at the door for $15.00. Tickets will go on sale Sept. 10- 15th in the cafeteria. Remember, If you are planning to invite a Non AHS student guest, you must complete guest passes and they can be picked up in the guidance office from Mrs. Oeinck. The Homecoming Dance is a semi formal affair. No one will be allowed to wear denim or shorts into the dance.
HEY WARRIORS! Show your Homecoming spirit by coming to the DECA Homecoming BBQ. It will be on Wednesday, Sept. 12th during both lunches! All you need is $3!! SEE YOU THERE!
Hey Sophomores…come help us kick off the homecoming week by helping build your class float. We will be working this Friday and Saturday. For specific direction and times, please see Mrs. Crookham in the math office or one of your class officers.
A variety of Lunchtime activities and games will take place next week. Participate and earn class points for your classes. Most lunchtime activities will take place outside on the front lawn during both lunches.
Hey Warriors—Link Crew is selling Homecoming t-shirts for 5 bucks. Look for them all week starting Wednesday in the cafeteria during both lunches. Black or Gold will be available. Don’t miss out. You definitely need one of these shirts for class color day.
Want to really get involved at Arapahoe High School? Come to the Key Club organizational meeting held on Monday in room C-16 after school. Key Club is a service organization that includes activities both at school and in the Denver area. Key Club is a fun way to be involved in your school with a lot of fun people. Again, meetings are Mondays after school in C-16.
If you didn’t pick up your video yearbook yet, today is your last chance to pick one up during lunch.
Congratulations to the Freshmen Black Volleyball team on their game last night. They defeated Highlands Ranch 25-16, and 25-3.
The boys varsity and JV tennis teams both defeated Mountain Vista yesterday. The varsity won 6-1 and the junior varsity won 8-6. Congratulations guys!
Congratulations to the ABK boys varsity and junior varsity teams for advancing to the championship game of the Warrior Classic soccer tournament. The varsity defeated Mullen 2-0 Thursday night while the JV scored a 3-0 win over Mullen. Both championship games Saturday will feature the Warriors taking on Cherry Creek. The JV game will be at 12:30 here at the high school, with the Varsity game at 7:30 at Littleton Stadium.
Student Initiated Groups-
The Remember Club asks you to buckle up and take care of one another.