General Announcements
Students: Order your official Arapahoe Class Ring at special ordering sessions on, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept 5th & 6th, during lunch in the cafeteria. Ordering Information packets will be available in the main office. Don’t miss it!
Student Initiated Club leaders please contact Mr. Kolasa for your clubs meeting times and location.
Hey Habitat for Humanity members! Our first meeting will be tomorrow, September 5th in room C-18. New members, come for an introduction to what Habitat is all about. Veterans, this meeting is a must if you are interested in a leadership position.
If you didn’t get your video yearbook during lunch Friday, pick one up tomorrow during lunch.
Auditions for the fall show…”Our Town” will be held today and Wed. See callboard or Mr. Earley for details. Tech sign up sheets will go up next week.
Hey Warriors—Link Crew is selling Homecoming t-shirts for 5 bucks. Look for them all week starting Wednesday in the cafeteria during both lunches. Black or Gold will be available. Don’t miss out. You definitely need one of these shirts for class color day.
Please excuse the following students for a field trip to the Pinery G.C. on Tues. Sept. 4th, all day.
Subject scheduling field trip: Boy’s Golf; Field trip teacher: Paul Anderson
Dalton Becky-12
Steven Moore-12
Ben Sauer-12
David Holtgrewe-11
Brian Zenk-10
Student Initiated Groups-
Disclaimer of School Endorsement- The following announcements concern a student interest group, which is not sponsored or endorsed by Arapahoe High School or Littleton Public Schools. The school’s compliance with federal law permitting such groups to meet on school property does not constitute school or district support for the group’s purpose or the content of any of the group’s meetings or activities.
Spanish club will be having its first meeting of the year tomorrow, September 5th at 2:30 in C-21. Join us for some chips and salsa!
Speecheis! Don't forget that our next speech meeting is this afternoon after school in room C15. Be there! Even if you missed last week's meeting, BE THERE.
Attention all ART CLUB members! We are meeting every day after school in E11 and working on our Homecoming float. Plan to come on the days you can come help.
The Remember Club asks you to buckle up and take care of one another.