Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Please stand and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance Announcements

*Have a HEART! Pay your Library Fines during the month of February and your fines will go towards the Warrior Week Fundraiser for Tony. Remember… All fines must be paid in the Library. Our goal is to collect at the very least $1,000 from the 606 students owing over $2,500 in fines. As of today we have collected $120. Only $2,380 to go!

*Calling all artists and writers! MUSE is accepting our last round of submissions for this year's magazine. Your final date to submit is Friday, Feb. 22nd. Every submission will qualify for February's $10 gift card drawing. Don't delay, submit today!

*Attention Warriors:  As part of the class gift from the Class of 2019, Arapahoe High School will be sending a delegation of students and staff to the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming this April to strengthen our relationship with the tribe. All students are welcome to apply to be part of this delegation. We will bring roughly 50 students from all classes to represent our high school, so you are encouraged to apply. Tomorrow is the last day to apply, so pick up your applications today!!  Applications are available in the counseling office, and will need to be completed by  TOMORROW! Thank you.

*Calling all Sources of Strength peer leaders, there will be a meeting to start planning our next campaign for March on Feb 20, in the forum from 9:00-9:30 am. We look forward to seeing you there.


*Senior Dive Captain Franny Cable has been nominated by 9news as ‘Play of the Week’ for her first place finish at the State competition! We need your vote for her to win!  Go to and follow the link to 9news to vote!  Please vote and share. Let’s show our Arapahoe Pride!

*Attention all returning girls volleyball players: there is an important meeting in the forum today at 3:30 immediately after school.

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details