Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

 General Announcements

*Congratulations to our Arapahoe FBLA. 101 students qualified for the state FBLA conference at our district competition yesterday. 35 competitors were conference champs by taking 1st place. AHS earned the overall Conference Champion this year with the most points earned per student than any other chapter. Shoutout to Mrs. Swank in the Business department for hosting this incredible event for our district. 

*Seniors: Are you planning to major or minor in art or music at any post-secondary institution in Colorado? Apply for The Dorian De Long Arts & Music Scholarship for a chance to find yourself up to $2500 richer!  See Ms. Conn for more info.

*Warriors, we had an outstanding turn out for our previous Unified Basketball game. Let's do it again! Come show your support and ‘Unify with Unified’, TONIGHT at HOME at 4:15pm.

*To celebrate Black History Month, we will be sharing information about African American advocates in the Mental Health Community. The African American community have made powerful contributions to the mental health field and we would like to shine light on and celebrate those contributions. 

*Today’s African American Pioneer in Mental Health is Beverly Greene. Beverly is the author of the landmark article "When the Therapist is White and the Patient is Black: Considerations for Psychotherapy in the Feminist Heterosexual and Lesbian Communities." She is a pioneer of intersectional psychology, and her work on heterosexism, sexism, and racism has illuminated how different intersecting facets of a person's identity shape their experiences of privilege, oppression, and mental health. Greene's work earned her the honor of the Distinguished Publication Award from the Association for Women in Psychology in 2008.

*DECA is currently holding a book drive to collect books (new or used) for the free library at Gracefull Cafe. We are collecting books for readers of all levels. Donation boxes are located in the Business Office and at the east security desk in the bubble entrance. Any book donations would be greatly appreciated.  The book drive will end Friday, February 16th.


*Come cheer on your Boys Varsity Basketball team TONIGHT as they take on Overland @ HOME at 7:00pm.  Let’s PACK the house Warriors!

*Hey Warriors - girls that want to try out for the AHS Girls Golf team must sign up THIS WEEK using the QR code posted on the website or around the school.  See Coach Riordan in the World Language department with any questions.

*Any AHS boys interested in playing on the LPS Boys Volleyball team this spring, we have open gym time scheduled for Thursday, February 8th and 15th @ Littleton HS (north gym) from 8:00pm-10:00pm.  Tryouts are February 19th-21st.

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!