General Announcements
FBLA this is the last week that you may sign-up for membership. You must have all of your paperwork and money in to participate in upcoming competition. Stop by the business office for forms and information. Deadline is November 7th!
Attention all FCCLA members: If you are planning to attend districts on Friday Nov. 14th permission slips must be returned to Mrs. Rains by this Friday November 7th at the end of the day! Thanks FCCLA!
Attention all FCCLA Officers: Let’s try this one more time. Officers will meet on Monday Nov. 10th in room E3 right after school to plan the agenda for the Nov. 17th meeting!!! Be there so you don’t let your fellow officers down!!
The Toms are selling spirit pops! The Toms will be selling spirit pops tomorrow in the cafeteria during both lunches. We've been selling tons of these great tasting gourmet lollipops. They're a bargain at one for 75 cents or 2 for a dollar. Help support the Toms and get your spirit pops.
Please check the Lost and Found table in the Cafeteria for any items you are missing, and the Attendance office for any small valuables.
Attention all FEMALE FALL ATHLETES: Please have your athletic locker cleared out by Friday @ 2:30. Winter athletes will be moving in on Monday and your lock will be cut.
Attention any athlete using a locker in the varsity boys locker room. All lockers will be cleared out Friday, November 7 in preparation of the winter sports season. Please clean out your locker and remove the lock by 2:30 Friday.
The AHS Girls’ LAX Club will hold its Registration Meeting on Thursday, November 13th in the Cafeteria from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Any player that plans to participate in the Spring Season must attend this meeting and complete all paperwork, order uniforms, and pay fees. For additional information please visit the GLAX Website.