Please stand and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance
General Announcements
*All students please remember to check your LPS email account regularly. Important information is sent to your LPS email especially for Tribe Mondays.
*Attention all NHS members! We will have our first meeting for returning seniors on September 12th after school in the forum. We will be discussing the year ahead and meeting our new officers. See you there!
*Free Alive @ 25 class Tuesday, September 10th at 3:45pm - 8:15pm in room W1874. Sign up on-line at The password is "arapahoe". Any questions ask Deputy Englert.
*At last night’s Warrior Invitational Tournament, your Boys Varsity Soccer team beat Littleton High School by a score of 3-2 in double overtime. The JV squad was victorious by a score of 10-0 over Littleton. Great job Warriors! The final day of the tournament is Saturday – JV plays Liberty HS at the south field at AHS at 1:00 PM. Varsity plays Liberty at LPS Stadium at 7:00 PM. Come support your Warriors Saturday!
*Our Field Hockey Warriors played amazing games yesterday against St. Mary’s with a Varsity 2-2 tie in overtime, JV won 4-0 and C Team tied 0-0. Way to go Warriors!
*The Arapahoe Warriors Volleyball rivalry match is at Heritage TONIGHT! 4:45 PM for Freshman and JV and 6:00 PM for Sophomores and Varsity. Let’s pack the gym tonight! It’s a Black out at Heritage!
Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details.
Warriors always take care of one another!